536 Followersワクチン関連動画のチャンネルです。
I post Videos of Antifa and other Far-left groups. Despite what the media and Democrats say, Antifa is real. Most of the videos are re-uploads of old, lost, deleted, or just backups of videos all over the internet that I have collected over the years. I post the videos in the order they happened which is why you see the numbers in the title of the video. Aditional pictures and news post about the events that happened can be found here: https://gab.com/DocumentingAntifaViolence
This Channel includes Biblical Educational Information
Working on trying to bring Rumble in. https://share-link.pilled.net/profile/131932
Patriots Vs Antifa
¡Bienvenidos! A nuestro Canal, ¡Lugar donde sanidades y milagros en el nombre de Jesucristo ocurren diariamente! Lugar para recibir sanidad, liberación, aprender la verdad y aprender a caminar en poder. 1 Corintios 4:20 porque el reino de Dios no es cuestión de hablar sino de poder. Santiago 5:14-15 ¿Está alguno enfermo entre vosotros? Llame a los ancianos de la iglesia, y oren por él, ungiéndole con aceite en el nombre del Señor. 15 Y la oración de fe salvará al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará; y si hubiere cometido pecados, le serán perdonados Cel: 760-992-1077 Whatsapp + 001-760-992-1077 💎 Zoom.us/j/9490200658 💎 Email: Francisco@jesusreydereyes.com 💎 http://jesusreydereyes.com/ 💎 https://parler.com/profile/ApostleFrancisco/posts 💎 English https://rumble.com/c/c-397105 💎 English YouTube 💎Subscribe to JKK: https://bit.ly/2GcGA9W Español, https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Rey-de-Reyes-Ministerio-de-Sanacion-y-Liberacion-1601687256564181/ English https://www.facebook.com/JesuskingofKingshealing/ English Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7OLlCDKNROQrelPoVEeVzQ https://www.facebook.com/apostolfranciscogomez
And We Know - Antifa BLM Terrorists
A Comedy/Satire review channel that is totally unbiased from a radical far left perspective
🔴 The Anti Red 🔴 SAY NO TO SOCIALISM My name is Katerina, I was born in 1976 in USSR. I make videos about USSR, communism and socialism. You can find me on Telegram at https://t.me/theantired Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtc0yiCKh2n8FzwZ-oztm9Q/ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/theantired/ Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/theantired Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-619333 Odysee: https://odysee.com/@theantired:a
Este canal se a creado especificamente para compartir las profecias dadas a la Profetiza Elisheva Eliyahu. Tambien para compartir mensajes que puedan ayudar a muchas personas a volver a vivir en Santidad.
Uma única regra: REPOST = STRIKE Canal Principal/HUB: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC52VgbEHnNao6j1nieieFNg
Meu videos
Full set broken into seperate files so that you can choose which songs you want to watch and those that you want to skip. Or watch the full set as the artists intended. Check out my other music classic live album channels: NeilYoungLiveRust, Aerosmith, thedoobiebrothers, LedZeppelinLive, ElvisLive, RedHotChilliPeppers, RageAgainstTheMachine, queenliveaid, ThinLizzy, BruceSpringsteen, PearlJamLive
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