

Creation Fellowship Santee began in 2012 in Santee, CA at the Creation and Earth History Museum. The late John Nelson was our founder and after John passed in 2014 Alan Smith and Glenn Jones took over taking turns leading our meetings. Eventually Alan led our classes until Thursday, March 12 2020 which was our last meeting together in person. The USA entered a very bleak time in its history and the country was shut down for 'Slow the spread' for 'two weeks' that lead into foreverness or so it seemed. The Museum we met at being in CA was shut down with every other museum in California. So we unable to meet in person again until we decided to take Creation Fellowship Santee to the air and began meeting via Zoom on May 21, 2020 and have met almost every Thursday at 6:30pm Pacific after that. We break for Holidays etc. We are a core group joined by our belief in the 6 day creation account also know as Young Earth Creationism (YEC). We have the same evidences as Evolutionists and Theistic Evolutionists (OE Old Earth) however we interpret this evidence through the lens of Scripture. Our beliefs are found only in the bible and sometimes supplemental texts that are referenced in the bible. Our only criteria to be a speaker is that you also believe the 6 day creation account. We welcome to attend Atheists, Evolutions, Theistic Evolutionists and any person who wants to hear another point of view and ask questions and why we believe what we believe. Join us live via Zoom or listen live on Facebook at our CreationFellowshipSantee Facebook page. Email us for our schedule of speakers and to receive the Zoom meeting information..

Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision Model Railroad


Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision Model Railroad is dedicated to the role that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad played in developing the Great Southwest of the United States with the nation's second transcontinental railroad. Santa Fe’s Raton Subdivision Model Railroad brings this story to life in HO scale with lifelike realism. Our video collection is designed to showcase the Santa Fe Railroad's real history with an emphasis on their need to develop extremely powerful Steam and Diesel Locomotives to get trains over Raton Pass. Why do we have videos about AT&SF Steam Locomotive 5000 (Madame Queen)? Madame Queen was the ultimate development of steam locomotive technology on the Santa Fe Railway. Raton Pass created the need for Madame Queen's extreme power. The grades on SF's Raton Subdivision MR are prototypically accurate HO scale versions of the real Raton Pass grades. Join us as we explore the exciting and historic railroad action on the steepest track in the U.S.



💥💥💥💥💥 Santali thought 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 👉👉👉👉👉 This channel only for human who have live in the earth planet This channel support the Santal community to grow up their culture tradition language script festival's god goddess Religion social 🏹🏹🏹🏹ST meens- santali thought. 🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹 💖💖💖💖💖Santal actually pronounce "saotal" 📝📝📝 Saotal=Sao+Tal 📝📝📝Sao---means together😁 Tal---means one a Rhythm 👌👌👌👌👌They are work together, live together, eat together, festivals enjoy together 🤝🤝🤝 Santal people has won language and scripts, 🗣️🗣️🗣️Santal is the best And largest tribal communities in the world.Santal maximum live at jharkhand . West Bengal,Odisha,Bihar,Assam,(India).Rajsahi, Khulna, dhaka(Bangladesh) Nepal 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Now to day all over world Santal people live at. ☎️☎️Contact us......With ☎️☎️ 👉👉👉Link 👉👉👉Link acebook---