ISTINA - to je ono u šta je teško poverovati


Prema legendi iz 19. veka: Istina i Laž se jednog dana sretnu. Laž govori Istini: "Danas je divan dan!". Istina pogleda put neba i uzdahnu, jer je dan zaista bio divan. Provedoše dosta vremena zajedno i na kraju prođoše kraj jednog bunara. Laž opet reče istini: "Voda je prelepa, dođi zajedno da se kupamo". Istina, pomalo sumnjičava, dotače vodu i osjeti da je stvarno prijatna. Pristade i Istina i Laž se počnu kupati zajedno. Odjednom, Laž iskoči iz vode, obuče odjeću Istine i pobježe. Bijesna Istina izađe iz bunara i poče da traži Laž da povrati svoju odjeću. Tražila je Laž po čitavom svijetu. A svijet, gledajući Istinu golu, skreće pogled sa prezirom i bijesom. Jadna Istina se vrati u bunar i zauvijek nestade u njemu skrivajući svoju sramotu. Od tada Laž putuje po cijelom svijetu, obučena kao Istina, zadovoljavajući potrebe društva, jer u svakom slučaju svijet nema nikakvu želju da upozna golu Istinu.

Stu's News LIVE@5


Just one man's opinion searching for the TRUTH amongst many LightWorkers and StarSeeds trying to raise the planetary vibration from dark to light during this fascinating Great Awakening. Discussing and showing relevant global events you don't usually get to see on the mainstream media. As ALWAYS you should use your own discernment, due diligence and do your own research and please DO NOT take my word for any of it. I am not qualified to give any advice so if you want to make any medical, financial or any other decisions that is up to you and you alone and your free will. ThanQ ... TRUTH MATTERS to us ALL. Let's try and find it together in Harmony ... Peace & Love. Hold the line. Hold the light 🙏🕉♥️ Where we go one we go all

Back at The Ranch STX


This channel is dedicated to providing a captivating and informative vlogging experience, chronicling Antonio's progression as he hones his vlogging skills. The channel will feature a wide range of engaging topics, including hunting, property maintenance, product and whisky reviews, food and other events that take place around his magnificent family ranch in South Texas. Additionally, viewers can request specific topics for Antonio to cover. Antonio may also showcase other ranches maintained by family and friends, offering an exclusive look at diverse ranching experiences. He may also conduct podcast-style conversations with guests visiting The Ranch, discussing many topics and areas of interest. The ultimate goal is to offer an enjoyable and professional vlogging experience that best portrays the essence of The Ranch and its surrounding beauty. Join us on Antonio's adventures as he evolves into a seasoned vlogger, and feel free to provide constructive criticism to aid in his growth.



Just one man's opinion searching for the TRUTH amongst many LightWorkers and StarSeeds trying to raise the planetary vibration from dark to light during this fascinating Great Awakening. Discussing and showing relevant global events you don't usually get to see on the mainstream media. As ALWAYS you should use your own discernment, due diligence and do your own research and please DO NOT take my word for any of it. I am not qualified to give any advice so if you want to make any medical, financial or any other decisions that is up to you and you alone and your free will. ThanQ ... TRUTH MATTERS to us ALL. Let's try and find it together in Harmony ... Peace & Love. Hold the line. Hold the light 🙏🕉♥️ Where we go one we go all Telegram @