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Brink of Speed


Hello everyone and welcome to Brink of Speed! If you love you everything about cars and speed, then you will want to join this wonderful Brink of Speed community! This channel will produce high-quality content, bringing you along on rides in my car, and showing you other people\\\\\\\'s beautiful cars as well! If you would like your cars to be at the end of my videos, please send them to me at and I\\\\\\\'ll be happy to add them to my videos! Also, if you work for one of the big 3 car magazines and like what I\\\\\\\'m doing here, feel free to send me an email, I\\\\\\\'d love to hear your feedback! If you own a car that you would like a video and review on, shoot me an email and I would be happy to make that happen. Please support this channel by clicking the red Subscribe & Bell button so that you are notified when my new content comes out!



The Getty Museum Underneath the Getty Museum is a network of tunnels and underground bunkers, former CIA/NSA contractor Steven D. Kelley informs us that The Getty and USA government control Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). These bases are connected to each other by systems of trains that use Magnetic Levitation and vacuum technology to reach very high speeds. Along with other functions, the Getty serves as a hub of child trafficking, child-sex slaves treated like cattle under the Getty, Please Universe, stop child trafficking and arrest those involved. Please and thank you. Steven D. Kelley has launched a mission to Open the GETTY and gain access to these underground areas owned by the Templar Cabal Bunker called Getty Cavers Center. By exposing the dark secrets hidden below us, the truth will be forced upon the world, and nobody will be able to hide, defend, or continue the evil that has plagued the earth for so long. □ □ □ □ □ □ Steven D Kelley for President 2024 @StevenKelley24. Steven on JPGetty´s Malibu Villa This is the last home in Malibu USA, that JP Getty lived in, before moving to Britain. It is called the Getty Villa, and like the Getty Center in LA it is also a museum, and it is also part of the vast underground tunnel system in Los Angeles. This was the location of the bunker where Ferdinand Marcos sent ten year old girls in shipping containers to, while he was alive. JP Getty traded art for children, and also moved secret gold. This was the first industrial scale pedophile child sex/sacrifice factory, where elite #pedophiles could procure their children, abuse them, use them, and conveniently have them disposed of when they were no longer needed. An elite pedophile consumes 5000 children in their lifetime. Every politician you love used these services. Jean Paul Getty died before the Getty Center on top of Santa Monica Mtn., was finished. His son Gordon, who sold #Getty oil to Texaco for 11 billion, completed the Getty Center, and to this day continues the family tradition of providing a place where Elite #Satanic pedophiles can rape, torture, murder, and eat #children, all protected by the #NSA and your beloved United States Government. You see there is no US #Government, it was take over by #Intertel. This is the #KHAZARIANMAFIA and Nazi #Templars. This is the #CIA, the #NSA, #Mossad, every government, and every major corporation,and bank. You want to stop the war to end us all? Join us now because we know where to place the stake to slay the monster, only we do. Join me #OccupyTheGetty #Stevendkelley Steven D Kelley for President 2024 @StevenKelley24 The Museum has at least 6 basement levels that are larger than the area of the entire museum campus. $12 billion to build they say... The bunker is one mile deep, with 6 major levels, and several sub levels as large as a city each. This has connection to all of LA, Orange, and SB counties. It connects via high speed tube train to Catalina Island to the west, and Edwards AFB, China Lake, Tonapah, etc, etc etc.... Children go in but they don't come out, unless they are kids that are on TV, like mousekateers. EVERY child star goes under this place to have fluids taken. The lowest level is where the most horrible Satanic rituals take place, they make even a Satanist squeamish. UCLA, USC, FBI, city hall, music center, Disneyland, etc, etc, all connected by tunnels with trams and elevators. Club 33 in Disneyland, the Mark Taper Forum in LA. Almost every old building has tunnels that eventually connect. These tunnels can be very old, or made recently. Playboy mansion, Lookout mtn, (Jared Leto's house) Brad Pitt's house, and on, and on... the Skirbal center in LA.. how hard is this to prove, they can't hide all the entrances. Only the Government has the power to do that!! Get the picture yet? IT IS THE GOVERNMENT DOING THIS #occupythegetty Steven D Kelley for President 2024

Bonati Spine Institute Verified


The Bonati Spine Institute is where advanced spine surgery began over 35 years ago. It has become a world destination for people suffering with chronic pain from bulging spinal discs, herniated discs, pinched nerves, spinal stenosis, foraminal narrowing, bone spurs, whiplash, degenerative disc disease, facet disease, spondylolisthesis. Dr. Alfred O. Bonati invented, developed and perfected the Bonati Spine Procedures. Since then our team of surgeons, personally trained by Dr. Bonati, have performed more than 75,000 successful spinal procedures. Decades of innovation and dedication have resulted in more than a 98.75% patient satisfaction rate.

Daytona Spy Shop


Most of our videos display the quality of sample video from assorted spy cameras. We also upload How-To videos for bug detectors and how to connect wi-fi hidden cameras using different phone apps. Daytona Spy Shop provides high quality Hidden Cameras, Spy Gadgets, Mini Spy Video Cameras, GPS Trackers, Remote View WiFi Cameras and Nanny Cameras. When in Daytona Beach, stop by our showroom at 553 Ballough Road. We can be found online at

manai tautai


Šis ir ziņu kanāls cilvēkiem, kas meklē atbildes tālāk par informāciju, kas mūsdienās tiek pirkta un pārdota. Cilvēcei pieejamai patiesībai nedrīkst būt nekāda saistība ar naudas varu un korupciju. Mums ir jāzina patiesība, mums jāsaņem atbildes, tās ir jāmeklē, kā meklējam svaigu gaisu un brīvību. Šīs ir ziņas brīviem un labas sirdsapziņas cilvēkiem, mums, kas meklē patiesību un atmasko melus. Lai kāda būtu patiesība, to nedrīkst ignorēt! Kas mīl patiesību, mīl dzīvību un gudrību; tādi mīl cilvēcību, cilvēci un tās Radītāju. Patiesība dara brīvus... Это канал новостей для людей, которые ищут ответы на много дальше той информации, которая в наши дни покупается и продоется. Правде и истине доступной человечеству недолжно быть никакой связи с денежной властью и корупцией. Мы должны знать истину, мы должны получить ответы - ответы надо искать, как ищем свежий воздух и свободу(...) Kanāla darbības atbalsts(поддержка работы канала):