The John Henry Soto Show Verified


"The John Henry Soto Show" brings together two Puerto Ricans from the Bronx—John Henry Soto, a filmmaker, musician, and digital marketing expert, and George Batista, a musician and wellness expert. With humor at the heart of every episode, they ask the tough questions while exploring the worlds of creativity, wellness, and entrepreneurship. Their candid conversations offer insight, motivation, and inspiration for anyone seeking success, with a touch of Bronx flavor and wit. Tune in for stories that challenge, uplift, and entertain!

Sou Católico e amo Maria


É Católico e ama Maria? Esse canal é pra você!!! Maria é um dos maiores presentes de Jesus para nós – “Eis a tua Mãe!” (Jo 19:27) – assim como a Sua Igreja (Mt 16:18). De acordo com as Escrituras e Profecias de Nossa Senhora, iremos enfrentar "tempos difíceis", sobretudo dentro da Igreja Católica. Nosso maior objetivo é ajudar as pessoas a SE CONVERTEREM e SE PREPARAREM para esses tempos. Você pode, SIM, mudar a sua realidade e viver a vida que deseja na FÉ, tornando-a cada vez mais forte! E nós acreditamos que podemos te ajudar com Mensagens (contendo ensinamentos, pedidos, alertas e profecias) de Nossa Mãe Santíssima. Nossos vídeos com as Mensagens vão ao ar todas terças e sextas, pontualmente, às 12:00h. Se inscreva no Canal, ative o sininho e compartilhe com seus amigos. Salve almas! ❤️

Pastor Joe Soto


We are CC Anointed Center with Pastor Joe & Julie Soto. Join us on Sundays 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM on Facebook or in person. 1711 Wood Street Ventura CA Have only a few minutes? You can also find us on FaceBook every Thursday night at 7:00 PM We replay all services on YouTube at If you enjoy please Like, Subscribe, and Share so that the Good News of the Gospel goes throughout the earth! #faith #hope #focus #grace #sermon #preaching #opportunity#calling #obedience #praise #PastorJoeSoto

DeSoto Arts Institute


The Desoto Arts Institute is a non-profit 501(c)3 located in Southaven, MS, with the mission to support, train, educate and mentor the next generation of youth in professional fields including filmmaking and technology. DAI teaches the craft of creative and positive storytelling by providing a professional working studio environment which actively demonstrates ethics, honesty, generosity, commitment, respect, and love for one another, right here in Desoto County, Mississippi.