Hiking, Backpacking, & More


Hey Friends! Welcome to my channel. I started this channel as a way to share my adventures in hiking and backpacking with a Christian perspective. You can find more hiking and backpacking related content on my blog: seagrasstosassafras.com If you want to receive updates for my channel and blog, then head on over to seagrasstosassafras.com/newsletter and sign uo for my quarterly newsletter. No spam, just an email every three months or so with what's new! This year I launched an online magazine called "Bear Necessity" which you can access on my website by quarterly or annual subscription: seagrasstosassafras.com/magazine If you have any questions about gear, trip videos, or the trail in general feel free to send me an email: seagrasstosassafras@gmail

frases e meditação


Olá pessoal, sejam bem vindos ao canal "os biras". Canal voltado a, musica ambiente, música para dormir, música com frequência 432hz para cura, sons da natureza, sono profundo, estudo e relaxamento. Muito obrigado por escolher esse canal, é muito bom te ver aqui. Ao se inscrever, ative o sininho para receber novos vídeos Hello everyone, welcome to the channel "the biras". Channel dedicated to, ambient music, music for sleep, music with frequency 432hz for healing, sounds of nature, deep sleep, study and relaxation. Thank you so much for choosing this channel, it's great to see you here. When subscribing, activate the bell to receive new videos