Gruppo Lupo German Shepherd Dog Blog


Gruppo Lupo, or Wolf Group in English, came to be over time as we strolled our region here in the foothills of the Italian Alps; locals would either greatly admire our sweet beasts or recoil in fear gasping "Cane Lupo!" which is "wolf dog" in Italian. So be it, yes, we are The Gruppo Lupo! And we established this forum in order to share all or our collective knowledge and admiration of our Working Dogs, military, police and civilian. Share your collective training, breeding, diet and health knowledge with The Gruppo and all of our MeWe family.

Heart of A Shepherd Inc


Featured are inspirational messages and original daily devotional commentaries from Pastor Smith is continuing a chronological, 2-year daily Bible devotional schedule that began January 1, 2021 and is scheduled to conclude December 31, 2022. * You can become a regular subscriber of the Heart of a Shepherd daily devotionals, and have them sent directly to your email address. Please email your request to Copyright © 2022 – Travis D. Smith Heart of A Shepherd Inc is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3, and is a public charitable organization. Mailing address: Heart of A Shepherd Inc, 6201 Ehrlich Rd., Tampa, FL 33625. You can email for more information on this daily devotional ministry.