

Hi! Nice to see you here. 👋 We are Nick & Mathilde and we've left everything behind to go on a World Tour in our Land Rover Defender 'Albatross'. Join us as we travel around the planet in our tiny home on wheels for the next 3 years! Going from one Meridian to another, making new friends, exploring cultures & traditions, and road-tripping around this beautiful planet. 3 Years | 88 Countries | 7 Continents | 300 000km Nick; 29 y/o, French/Italian. 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷🇮🇹 Mathilde; 30 y/o, French.🙋‍♀️🇫🇷 Albatross; 11 y/o, UK. 🚙🇬🇧 If you like our videos and enjoy watching them, and you’d like to get more personal content, tips&tricks and downloadable documents, and if you would like to support our work, we do have a Patreon. Join the ADVENTURE → Instagram: → Website: → Patreon: Sony a7iv // MavicAir2 // Avata // GoProHero10 // iPhone13Pro // MacBookAir // FinalCutPro

Mezmur Ethiopian - መዝሙር ኢትዮጵያ


መዝሙር - ኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክሳዊ የቪድዮ መዝሙራት በግጥም /Orthodox Songs with Lyrics/ የሚቀርቡበት ቻናል ነው። የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶን መዝሙራትን በግጥም ማዳመጥ ሲፈልጉ የመጀመሪያ ምርጫዎ “መዝሙር - ኢትዮጵያ” እንዲያደርጉ እንጋብዛለን… ። ቻናሉን + ፎሎው+ + Follow+ በማድረግ ለኦርቶዶክሳዊያን ተደራሽ እንዲሆን ያግዙን ??