Revelation Riddle


Something is terribly wrong in the world – we all feel it. The elite controlling our society commit heinous crimes with no punishment while Christians silently await a rescue rapture. Most in the Church expect increasing cultural demise before we escape. However, through His prophets of old, God already showed us what would happen – we just got the ending wrong. Hidden in a mysterious riddle, God shares His amazing plan for humanity. We live in the most thrilling time since Jesus came. God now calls on Soldier Saints to transform and lead the world. Are you ready to fulfill your calling? How do saints prepare and qualify to lead the next age? For more information, or to receive access to special content or stay connected to new developments, visit Book can be purchased on Amazon and other major bookseller outlets. Amazon Book Link:

A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Verified


Kevin Randle has, for more than forty-five years, studied the UFO phenomena in all its various incarnations. His training by the Army and the Air Force provides Randle with a keen insight into the operations and protocols of the military, their investigations into UFOs, and into a phenomenon that has puzzled people for more than a century. During his investigations, Randle has traveled the United States to interview hundreds of witnesses who were involved in everything from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947, to the repeated radar sightings of UFOs over Washington, D.C. in 1952, to the latest of the abduction cases.