Lewis Jackson


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George H. Lewis


Astrological teachings and updates from George H. Lewis Tune in to my Weekly Freedom Report. Each week I provide you with the astrological forecast as well as tools to navigate the week ahead with confidence and power. I am building an ongoing conversation on my growing Locals community. Unity through community is the way forward. So please join, and if you can pledge to support, it makes a world of difference to fund our work as we stand to take back our free speech.

DIY and HowTo Car Repair Videos


We make free car repair diy videos primarily on Subaru, but we have how to videos on Acura, Honda, BMW, Chevy, and Ford too. We plan on expanding our diy car repair videos to more brands because we are a YouTube car repair channel. Also, we are expanding to create videos on car reviews with an emphasis on exotic cars. We aim to be the best car youtube channel so leave us a comment and we will try our best to make the how to do it yourself video for you

Phone Repair


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Repairing the Breach Verified


Unveil the hidden truths with Conspiracy Facts. My channel is dedicated to exposing the clandestine agendas and revealing the realities that shape our world. I'll be presenting researched content that dissects conspiracy facts, empowering you to see beyond the veil of mainstream narratives. This channel is not for fear mongering but is for transformative growth. You will journey with me as explore methods to elevate our vibrational frequency, unlocking the full potential of our consciousness. Together, we'll uncover and repair the infringements imposed by the shadowy invaders of this world. Subscribe and become part of a community committed to enlightenment, truth, and the collective awakening of humanity. It's time to reclaim our reality! I'm on YouTube too! https://www.youtube.com/@repairthebreachfoundations