Remedies 4 You Verified


I like to share empowering remedies and secrets that are not widely known in the health niche as well as other aspects of life. I also share the truth about what is going on in the world that people may call conspiracy theories but are conspiracy facts. When the cabal tell you what they are doing it's on you if you don't take it to heart. The new world order is taking place as we speak. If we don't do something about these demonic forces soon we are doomed and it may actually be too late to save humanity because too many people have drank the koolaid and the mark of the beast is real. If you aren't scared at this point nothing can scare you. I am more pissed off than anything. I hope you are prepared. I will continue to share whatever information I find to be helpful because we will need as many people as possible to survive to save humanity. This is not a test people.

Subreddit Surfing w Vinnie & Cardiff Electric


Comedian Vinnie Paulino and his lifetime potato pal Cardiff Electric have spent countless hours together surfing through different subreddits. They often ask themselves - " What it would be like to talk to some of these people?" So, they decided to find out....... Each episode they post a streamyard link in one of these Subreddits and see who shows up. Some call this an invitation for chaos, we call it the greatest social experiment ever devised by a potato! Wax your boards, catch a wave and let's see what happens.

Remedies Insider


My name is Rob and I created this Rumble channel to help people live a more Healthy, Natural & Happy Life. I create videos showing natural remedies and ways to improve well-being. I will be covering topics for many different kinds of health-related remedies and cures as well. You will see videos on the following topics: "home remedies" "natural remedies" "natural treatment" "weight loss tricks" "herbal remedies" "weight loss" "healthy tips" "tinnitus cures" "vertigo treatment" in relation to other different and fun remedies that are out there.

Ryan Taylor Natural Remedies Verified


Natural remedies and nutrition tips to improve your health easily at home. My mission is to share information that will inspire health, wealth and happiness all over the world. Ryan Taylor BSc (Hons) Bio: Ryan Taylor is a is a self-taught nutritionist from the United Kingdom. After graduating in 2015 and obtaining his degree in Computing Science, he discovered his passion for biology and physiology, and pivoted into the field of nutrition. Since then he has produced over 1000 educational videos covering various topics related to "the science of life", with the continued intention of both sharing and gaining a greater understanding of the human body. Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for general informational purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or treatment. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

Mark Reese // Credit & Finance Verified


Hey everyone! My name is Mark and I've been involved with the credit card industry since 2013. Over the years I've earned thousands of dollars in cash back and accrued millions points & miles to make expensive trips a lot more affordable. Now, with dozens of credit cards and a 760+ FICO score, I'm here to HELP YOU WIN the credit game and put more money in your pocket. Follow along as I mix credit card reviews and personal finance tips so you can take control of your financial health. See you in the videos!

Home Hacks & Remedies


Welcome to Home Hacks & Remedies, your ultimate destination for all things related to improving and beautifying your living space. Our channel is dedicated to providing you with a plethora of innovative and practical solutions to enhance every aspect of your home. Discover a treasure trove of home hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach household tasks. From clever storage solutions to space-saving ideas, we'll help you optimize your living environment and maximize functionality. Unleash your inner DIY enthusiast with our step-by-step tutorials and creative projects. Transform your rooms with budget-friendly ideas and personalized touches that reflect your unique style and personality. Whether it's a stunning room makeover or a simple decor update, we'll guide you through the process with expert advice and inspiration. Organization is key to maintaining a harmonious living space, and we're here to help. Learn effective techniques for decluttering and organizing different areas of your home. From

Eu Acredito no Poder da Oração


Acredito que a oração pode ser uma ferramenta incrivelmente poderosa para nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e receber Sua orientação e apoio. A oração também pode nos ajudar a encontrar paz e conforto em tempos difíceis e pode ser uma fonte de força em situações desafiadoras. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto positivo em nossas vidas, tanto individual quanto coletivamente. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto poderoso em nossas vidas. A oração pode nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e nos fornecer força e orientação em tempos difíceis. A oração também pode nos ajudar a aprender mais sobre nós mesmos e a apreciar as bênçãos em nossa vida. Eu acredito no poder da oração e não importa quais palavras usamos em nossas preces, o que importa é o que o coração deseja dizer. A oração é a chave para nós mesmos, é a porta que nos leva a Deus e a tudo que ele tenta nos mostrar. Amo os que me amam. Quem me procura, encontra-me. Provérbios 8,17.

titus le naturel vivant créditeur


Bonjour a tous les naturels vivants. 🖐 🔵La Fraude au nom légal, ou comment les états, et la république française, nous a transformé dès notre naissance, en objet/personne qu’elle peut gérer, emprisonner, voler, taxer, frapper … La personnalité juridique est le boulet à la cheville du vivant naturel qui nous a rendu esclave. Ce n’est pas de la philosophie mais la Loi et la réalité. ➡La fraude au nom légal, de quoi s'agit-il? (fraude nom propre, la fraude au nom, fraude du nom légal, fraude du nom, fraude au nom légal la fraude au nom légal) 🔵Une personne est une fiction juridique. ➡Une personne doit payer des impôts. ✔Un naturel vivant ne paye pas d’impôts. ➡Une personne doit payer des amendes. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas d’amende. ➡Une personne juridique est le contribuable de l'état et paye ses transports, ses péages, l’eau ainsi que l’électricité. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas les transports, les péages, l’eau, l’électricité, et cela n’est pas une fraude!



Disease isn\'t complicated it\'s really very easy and the application of good sense techniques may defeat any disease. All microbes and viruses are weak and may be defeated easily with cleaning and nutrition. Disease is a joke if you recognize what to do and you\'re willing to do what it takes to heal yourself. And as they state “the truth will set you free”; and that\'s simply where you can, free. If you require drama and a health system that\'s more about disease than it is about wellness, simply go to your nearest doctor or hospital solely. If you\'re seeking vibrant health and a long and fruitful life you\'ve come to the correct place for complimentary therapy.