263 FollowersTohokuVolunteerDoctorsAssociation
101 FollowersStop mRNA vaccines!!
Documentary Channel
88 FollowersSubscribe to DoctorDocumentaryChannel and embark on a journey of discovery that will broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world. Join our community of curious minds and never stop learning!
88 FollowersDocumentaries on Cancer treatments
80 FollowersDocumentaries on Cancer treatments
67 FollowersJohnnyColeMurdock
61 FollowersPoder do Conhecimento
60 FollowersCanal de Audiobook e Documentários
54 FollowersDrMikeMurdock
53 FollowersRicardo Costa - RC Viriato
51 FollowersUkraine War Documentaries
51 FollowersUkraine War Documentaries
War Documentaries
40 FollowersThe best war related documentary archive out there
34 FollowersRDoctorD's "Revelations"
27 FollowersRDoctorD's Revelations series
RDoctorD's "Open Sources"
23 FollowersRDoctorD's Open Sources series
18 Followersttaylordoc
17 FollowersMurdoc
16 FollowersGricardoCarvalho
15 FollowersDavid Murdoch . Art
15 FollowersOfficial home of Drag the Dead and various phenomena.
Coleção RogueCH - O Melhor do Chaves
13 FollowersA coleção "incompleta" dos DVD'S fã de RogueCH Informações: Editor: Filmora X Episódios: Fórum Canal Chaves e Chespirotadas Volumes: 10 Volumes Arte feito por: RogueCH 3D: Foi Sem Querer Querendo BGM's: Lo Mejor de Chespirito, Foi Sem Querer Querendo, RogueCH & UCH Universo Chespirito. Isso Isso Isso~
Aqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais in
13 FollowersAqui você vai encontrar uma variedade de receitas, que podem ser servidas em todas as ocasiões e agradam a todos os paladares.Quando escolher uma receita para fazer faça com amor,isso torna o trabalho do cozinheiro mais divertido e a refeição mais interessante para quem você fez.Bom apetite
11 FollowersFounded in 2016, the FOUNDATION TO RECOGNIZE EDUCATE AND EMPLOY DOCTORS OF MEDICINE (FREEDOM) strives to support all doctors of medicine including, but not necessarily limited to, M.D., D.O., and N.P. graduates. Please visit for more information.
9 FollowersMrdoc
9 Followersgaming, videos, film
8 FollowersI am from Mississippi so have a "Southern" accent. Some like it and some don't. At this point in my life I can't change it (ha) so I hope you enjoy the videos anyway. We have put together these films in the hopes of allowing those who have a passion for "Documentaries" a chance to step back in time for a brief period. We are by no means professionals, but seeing through the eyes of an amateur is sometimes the best view. So sit back, let us drive and we will travel back to a time when some of these people walked the earth, and peek into the tragic events that made them who they were. P.S. We are trying to improve our videos as we make more. We are pretty much learning as we go. You should notice an improvement in the video and audio quality or at least we hope you do!
8 FollowersTigerdoc
7 FollowersDavidMurdochArt
7 Followersairdoc2003
6 Followersmadderdoc32
6 FollowersMemurdock
6 FollowersKRDOC
5 FollowersMurdockBerk
5 FollowersBardocK
5 Followerschannel focused on music