

HRSR (Human homo-sapiens Race Survival Resistance) Blog Site: MeWe website: Brighteon video site: Gab website: Christians fighting to warn humans that one-fifth (20.8%) of earth's populace has already been replaced by the returned dead disembodied demon spirits of the nephilim aliens and chimera aliens in cloned human hybrid avatar bodies made from MILAB alien-abducted Illuminati Luciferian New Age "alien contactee" necromancy spirit guide channeling Wicca witches' eggs/sperms/DNAs (nephilim aliens are the "star seed children" of the returned Watcher fallen angel devil spirits of Satan Lucifer's ancient Atlantis NWO Noah's days). It is a repeat of the Noah's days Atlantis Illuminati NWO.

AllatRa TV Verified


ALLATRA TV is an International Internet TV of a new format. This is a global media-platform aimed at uniting people all over the world and creating conditions for the development of a creative society. ALLATRA TV is a socially important large-scale project of ALLATRA International Public Movement, the goal of which is to popularize universal spiritual, moral, and cultural values in the world, and to inspire people to make positive changes in themselves and society. e-mail: AllatRa TV: ALLATRA International Public Movement:

Trapping Inc TV


Trapping Inc is the smash hit Canadian TV series that follows northern Alberta trappers Rich and Sandi Mellon\'s life on the trapline in the Canadian wilderness. The Scuttlebutt Podcast is the back story or inside scoop into their lives and the personalities, companies, products and issues that shape modern trapping. Rich and Sandi have been married for 41 years and have a cheerful approach to life that shows in their dedication to education, conservation and concern for the management and future of trapping.

North Trapping and Bushcraft


WELCOME to North Trapping and #Bushcraft with Ross Hinter. Bringing you #Trapping for #Survival, #Wilderness Living Skills, #OffGrid and Solar, #PrimitiveSkills, Predator Control, Trapping Education & Lifestyle, along with Wildlife Management. Join us for further education, seminars and presentations on survival food, survival skills in the bush, the effects of the loss of #habitat and the critical role we have in #conservation and #wildlife management. Consulting-Seminars-Training-Public Speaking "The more you know the less you carry" - Mors Kochanski ********** LINKS ************** Ross Hinter, Wildlife Professional Hunter Conservationist Podcast Environment, Conservation & Trapping Who You Gonna Call? Trapping in the 21st Century - Meet Your Local Trapper Global Bushcraft Symposium 2019 Ross Hinter Global Bushcraft Symposium 2019 Modern Day Pioneers Book A Way of Life Less Common" has been published. You can see the details here: *************** CREDITS ****************** by Deborah K Photography © ********* CAMERA GEAR ********** Various Cameras are used on our channel *Panasonic G85 *Canon G3X *Canon 80D *Canon G1X Mark lll *Canon G12 *Olympus E-M5 *Olympus E-M1 *Olympus E-PL1 *Panasonic FZ1000 *Panasonic GH2 *Pentax K30 *Pentax K70 *Sony HX50V *Sony A6000 *Assorted iPhones *Editing is done in Final Cut Pro X by Apple



Billboard Music Producer. My Trap Hip-Hop Beats & Rap Instrumentals are for all artists, rappers, singers and creatives who want to make their music stand out. Subscribe now to get the new Trap Beat, Type Beat & Rap Instrumentals. As an award-winning producer, I have had the privilege of working with some of the biggest names in the Trap Rap music industry including City Girls, Rick Ross, Sniper Gang, and more. Let's make great music!

АллатРа ТВ България


АллатРа ТВ - международна доброволческа интернет-телевизия на Международно обществено движение “АЛЛАТРА”, участниците на което се явяват хора от различни страни на света. Увлекателни сюжети за познаване на себе си, откровени диалози за най-главното за човека, добри новини, необичайни интервюта, познавателни предавания, безплатни курсове за видео монтаж и т.н. Това и много друго на познавателния, постоянно усъвършенстващ се, съзидателен, всенародно добър канал на АЛЛАТРА ТВ. Ако вие имате желание безкористно да приложите вашите навици и знания на благото на духовно-нравственото развитие на обществото, да придобиете нови умения в различни области на творчеството и да съзидавате добро в задружен колектив на единомишленици, то ние с радост ви каним да се присъедините към участие в проектите на АЛЛАТРА ТВ, заедно да познаваме, да се развиваме и творим в общо съзидателно дело! Нашият основен адрес: