This is a Christian apologetics channel where we are not politically correct, we are biblically correct. We focus on the existence of God and speaking in defense of the Christian faith. This channel addresses the many false beliefs out there, today's culture, and how to answer the hard questions. With a simple and logical approach we help Christians answer many commonly asked question on why we believe in what we believe, honoring Jesus Christ and always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who ask with gentleness and respect. 1 PETER 3:15

Puerto de Libros - Librería Radiofónica - Podcast sobre el mundo de la intelectualidad #Venezuela


Librería Radio - Podcast Literario - Versión para podcast del programa radiofónico Puerto de Libros conducido por el poeta Luis Perozo Cervantes. De LUNES A VIERNES disfruta de un NUEVO EPISODIO donde exploramos la actualidad del mundo literario, hacemos recomendaciones de lecturas y reproducimos documentos sonoros que merecen ser rescatados y conversados | Visita web: https://libreriaradio.org | @libreriaradio