Alabama Predator Poachers


The leading child predator exposure organization in the great state of Alabama founded in early 2021, With a goal to generate awareness about a rising epidemic within our state, nation, and world, on all levels, from the lone rapist, to the foaming, writhing, demon possessed elite. Growing protection of this class of person in combination with rape rates and growing numbers of predators, along with the rights of all Americans being chipped away is certainly creating a tough situation for many, and leaves much food for thought for the American weighing his and her current or future children's future. We at APP hope to generate hope and perhaps inspiration for all that there are still forces of good rising to combat this massive wall we all face, and join us in this push to protect our children, and ourselves from evil. Sharpen your swords.

TORCH Centre


Welcome to the TORCH Rumble Channel! We invite you to spend some time getting to know us. We are a community organization in Houston, Texas. We live to connect Jews and Judaism through love, friendship and unity. We hope that you will come away from this channel encouraged to join us at one of our programs. TORCH (Houston Community Kollel) was founded in 1998 and has since served thousands of Houstonians as an inclusive resource for learning and connection through its unique non-judgmental approach to Jewish education. Whether you\\\'re Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, unaffiliated or somewhere in between, TORCH is your most vibrant resource for Jewish learning and connection in Houston. Through study opportunities in various formats and locations, TORCH brings a new dimension to everyday Jewish life. Our team of dynamic rabbis share the tools that connect timeless Jewish traditions with modern life. Come join us!

Touching the heart with Father William Pfeiffer


I am a Catholic priest, a husband and a father - I like to think that any one of these vocations makes me better at the other two. We aren't selling anything here but if you could help us by hitting the like and subscribe buttons and sharing these videos. All we can do is try to spread the Gospel and leave the rest up to the Lord. Marriage and family, spiritual wisdom, inspiration and cultural insight. Catholic spirituality. Contemplative and centering prayer. #catholicchurch #catholicfaith #catholicprayer #healingprayer #catholicism #inspirationalstories #holyspirit #mindfullness #contemplative #centeringprayer #thomasmerton #thomas keating #theresaofavila #padrepio #homily #marriagecounseling #falseself #foregiveness #catholicpriest #marriedcatholicpriest #meditation #anxietyrelief

ExtraCarry Mag Pouches


The ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch grew out of necessity. There wasn't a good way to carry a spare mag concealed, especially if you wanted to pocket carry. The goal of the ExtraCarry Team: Bring to market the best mag pouch for deep concealment, without compromising the features required to carry spare ammo securely and ready to use in an emergency. With more than a year's worth of field testing, continued design improvements and feedback from top industry professionals, we introduced the ExtraCarry Mag Pouch product line in 2015. We are always looking for feedback from the firearms community on what to design next. Don't hesitate to contact us. We are always willing to do a new design for something we don't currently offer. If you have a custom idea we might be able to help with it as well. Let us know how you use your ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch. We would be happy to mention it in an upcoming Blog post. I am sure our followers want to know as well. The ExtraCarry™ Mag Pouch Team