497 Followers#1 South African Gaming Streamer on Rumble! Like / Follow Or You could do 2 Things for me! Become a RumbleFAM for the Cost of a Cup of Coffee! a Month! (Sub of the Channel) Or Donating Rants During the Streams!
#1 South African Gaming Streamer on Rumble! Like / Follow Or You could do 2 Things for me! Become a RumbleFAM for the Cost of a Cup of Coffee! a Month! (Sub of the Channel) Or Donating Rants During the Streams!
Chaîne dédiée au test, à la vaccination et au passeport sanitaire concernant le CoronaCircus
My name is Seekaplayer and I'm passionate about Streaming and Content Creation. I love everything from Gaming, Coding, and Technology.
Videos of Deep State criminals and Patriots
Chaîne proposant des contenus sur la conspiration et la sexualité enrobé dans une approche religieuse et spirituelle. Mal-pensance à tous les étages.
My 94 year old Mother -In-Law was in assisted living during COVID. and unfortunately died while being on lock-down. In reality she was locked up, a prisoner in her room. No outside contacts for six months, meals alone and no social contacts with other "inmates". Effectively solitary confinement. She always enjoyed my player piano and loved to sing along with us. I want to bring this joy to others who might be a "captive" audience . I thought about putting the piano in my pick up truck and going around to facilities and playing but decided that this would cause damage to my antique player piano. So I came up with the idea to have a video channel. I hope this will be enjoyed by Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents and Day Care and Nursery School children as well as families singing together. If you care to give a gift of any amount to support my work you can give it at: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=2C5L5PNBHT7WU
Most non-PC gaming streamer alive. Catch me live daily at 9:30 PM EST on X, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and here on Rumble.
We are a small group of friends that play Dungeons and Dragons casually. We are very bad, but we have a good time.
Silly fun video games for any age or level of experience
Aqui você encontrará todos os vídeos de Desfiles e Concursos Cosplay de eventos que fazemos cobertura, além de entrevistas e bate-papos sobre cosplay.
#farlight84 #codm #callofdutymobile In this video, I played with a Pro Player who has the maximum ranking of Farlight 84. He has already achieved Top Global among the best in the world and has been playing since before the launch in Brazil, which gave him significant experience compared to other current players . Check out his channel and comment that you came via Axoner, that way I'll know that my subscribers are brave
Laser Videos
I do not own any of the rights to the backing track just enjoy playing my guitar to them thanks
Old School D&D, SOLO RPG gamebooks, other systems... Dramatic playthroughs, commentary, reviews, retrospectives & more! FOLLOW ON TWITTER - @ClassicRollOSR - https://twitter.com/ClassicRollOSR
Välkommen till kanalen. Vi kommer att uppmuntra till självständigt tänkande, till egen förståelse av din verklighetsbild och uppfattningen av det rådande omvärldsläget. Vårt mål är att inspirera dig att ifrågasätta dina antaganden och utvidga din förståelse av världen. Vi tror att vi genom att uppmuntra kritiskt tänkande och moralfilosofisk utveckling kan skapa en bättre framtid för oss själva och för samhället som helhet. För att skapa positiv varaktig förändring i världen måste vi först undersöka och justera våra egna övertygelser och värderingar. Med utgångspunkt i att vi alla troligtvis behöver justera den egna moraliska kompassen - förbättrar vi tillsammans samhället. Så om du är intresserad av att utforska historiska perspektiv och utmana dig själv att tänka djupare på världen omkring dig, följ med oss på denna resa. Glöm inte att trycka på prenumerationsknappen och aktivera notiser så att du aldrig missar en ny video. Tack för att du tittar, och vi ses i nästa video!
Your source for game reviews and Playthroughs
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