Levan Gudadze-Opinion Verified


Greetings. This channel is completely independent, based in Russia and exists solely thanks to the support of subscribers. If you are interested in basic information about the host of this channel, that is, about me, I can answer. I am Levan Gudadze, the founder and host of this channel. Citizen of Russia, however born in Georgia during the USSR. Graduate of Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Journalism. I worked in the media for more than two decades, mainly in news agencies. Currently I am completely focused on my own projects. To support the channel - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/LGOnetwork Join me on Patreon - http://patreon.com/levangudadzeopinion To support the channel via Boosty - https://boosty.to/lgopinion Crypto Support BTC - Bitcoin: bc1qv95xzwk6sh4shxndmqm2anpkvum0w32ekljnwr LTC - Litecoin: ltc1qys30yxfmds4ns7dffjwsrnefgfzc9xxapua4fe ETH - Ethereum: 0x7aA2afcB73aBc202566E674D7Ca7F6B7845cDE62



偏方小百科頻道主要分享自然療法,替代療法及一些鮮為人知的偏方。 我不是醫生,也不是任何醫務人員,也沒有任何專業資格。但幾年前的一些病症令我決心搜尋解決方法,至今搜尋已超過3000小時,希望將我的搜尋資訊和大家分享。 若你覺得尋找健康的答案太久了,你並不孤單。 對一些長期病患,慢性疾病,會詳細說明成因及解決方法,有些方法會令你意想不到。 如果你有些長期病症,而西藥又不能根治,就不要錯過這個頻道,我會每星期分享一些偏方,敬請訂閱及分享給有需要的人。感謝你! 醫療諮詢免責聲明: 此視頻和說明中的所有內容,包括:信息,意見,內容,參考和鏈接僅用於網上資訊分享。作者未曾接受過任何醫療訓練,亦未在本網站上提供任何醫療建議。使用此內容進行訪問,查看,閱讀或其他方式並不構成您與作者之間的醫患關係。向作者提供個人或醫學信息並不構成您與作者之間的醫患關係。



🔴 ISABEL CUERVO-PERIODISTA INVESTIGATIVA, PREMIO EMMY 2015 EN LA CATEGORIA DE PREOCUPACION SOCIAL. 🔴 ISABEL CUERVO es la periodista que se atrevió a desafiar al magnate financiero George Soros, cuando en 2018 sacó al aire su famoso reportaje investigativo "George Soros y su incidencia en Latinoamérica"; cinco meses después fue calificada de antisemita por el potentado millonario, quien exigió respuestas del medio de noticias USAGM. Isabel Cuervo terminó siendo censurada, amordazada, acosada y despedida, por la misma cadena de TV del gobierno de los EE.UU. para la que trabajaba (USAGM-TV Martí), quien también la sometió a investigación federal. Ahora Isabel ha comenzado a revelar todos los nombres, instituciones e intereses ocultos conectados con Soros, tras su caso de evidente censura a la libre expresión y a la libertad de prensa, en el país de las libertades civiles.

The Clarion Call: Reactions & Opinions


This is the original channel started as the musings of two retired journalists, Corrin Strong and Howard Appell, on the state of the world in Feb. 2022. Unfortunately, Howard had to step away due to health issues in July of 2022. In Feb 2024, Corrin created a separate channel for his less political Music Reactions, but kept some music reactions and other videos that dealt with political subjects here. In December 2024, he re-named the channel "The Clarion Call," to match his current Substack and other columns he has been writing for the past 3 years, This channel reviews music by such artists as Tom MacDonald, Hi-Rez, Sampson and others that has a more political content. It also contains videos that have either been banned on our YouTube channel, or the unedited versions of videos that we did not judge would pass YouTube censorship. If you want to see more straight music reactions, please visit the "Old Men in Chairs Music Channel."

Just My Opinion


Hello, this is S.A. And no, not the Hispanic version of Ese. This channel aims to get off my chest a few things that soap and water can't handle. I'll try not to bore you too much, honestly. It's just that sometimes I see and hear things that make me sad, angry, perplexed or all of the above. After that, I just can't keep my opinion to myself. And if you can tolerate what I have to say, okay. But if not, well, that's okay too. I'm just using this medium as a passive form of therapy. In order to keep myself sane in a world that seems to have forgotten what that means. Well, that's all I have to say about the purpose of this channel. So, if I don't get curb stomp by some gangbangers you'll be hearing from me soon.