Steep Kuntry Outdoors


This channel was created by a father and son who both share a passion for the outdoors. We wanted to have a channel where we could share our passion with the public through our content. On this channel, you can expect to be: EDUCATED, ENTERTAINED, and ENLIGHTENED from our content. We hope that you are able to enjoy our content! Follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Facebook:

Marcus L. Petersen | Guided Meditations


I've provided this channel for people who need some help on Meditation Practices (Including some wonderful Guided Meditations), and perhaps some Wisdom every now and then. If you find that this channel is of use to you, then i'm happy to oblige. QUOTE: "BE the change you want to see in this world, and come fully into the Now. Only there will you find the essence of your Being, and only there can change start to happen. Not Yesterday nor Tomorrow, but 'NOW'." ~ Marcus L. Petersen