Unveiling the Truth


Deeper Thoughts is a rumble channel that aims to unveil the truth on various topics. The channel provides thought-provoking content and engages in open discussions without censorship. It offers a platform for individuals who feel their voices have been suppressed by mainstream media or social media platforms. Deeper Thoughts seeks to challenge the status quo and promote true debate on important issues. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including politics, current events, social issues, and more. It provides a space for individuals to express their opinions and engage in meaningful conversations. Deeper Thoughts aims to provide viewers with alternative perspectives and encourage critical thinking.

Citizen Observer Perth


Welcome to Citizen Observer Perth. I am a keen photographer and videographer located in Perth, Western Australia. I am also a community-minded citizen and an interested and engaged observer of what occurs in society and the world and on occasion I have filmed newsworthy events of public interest including police and emergency incidents in a responsible and unobstructive manner. This video channel and associated website aims to educate citizens as well as police officers and public servants on the legality of public photography and videography and encourages responsible news gathering and independent citizen journalism. Furthermore it aims to promote transparency and accountability within our government to ensure that all public servants within Western Australia respect the rights of citizens and treat citizens with courtesy and respect when engaged in lawful activities. Please visit citizenobserverperth.com for further information.