VAC Past Events
A collection of music videos using Dolls\\nJoin our Telegram Channel - \\n
Johnny Vedmore's NEWSPASTE is on Rumble. This include, NEWSHOUND, NEWSPASTY, the NEWSPASTE Podcast Clips, Audit Everything, and much more!!!
Master Lama Rasaji works with a select group of individual students. These students meet or speak with Rasaji in private sessions weekly , and also practice the Tai Chi Gung exercises. (See Store for more information. Live streamed classes at His private students come from all walks of life. Most are focused on overcoming any and all obstacles. They know and live abundance in every aspect of their lives: health, finances, relationships and service to the world. "As a private student of Master Lama Rasaji\'s for many years, I highly encourage you to go ahead and reach out to him. Send him an email. Introduce yourself." Master David Paul Email:
Chaîne dédiée au test, à la vaccination et au passeport sanitaire concernant le CoronaCircus
A collection of Audio Books read by Laura Casale
Chaîne proposant des contenus sur la conspiration et la sexualité enrobé dans une approche religieuse et spirituelle. Mal-pensance à tous les étages.
Välkommen till kanalen. Vi kommer att uppmuntra till självständigt tänkande, till egen förståelse av din verklighetsbild och uppfattningen av det rådande omvärldsläget. Vårt mål är att inspirera dig att ifrågasätta dina antaganden och utvidga din förståelse av världen. Vi tror att vi genom att uppmuntra kritiskt tänkande och moralfilosofisk utveckling kan skapa en bättre framtid för oss själva och för samhället som helhet. För att skapa positiv varaktig förändring i världen måste vi först undersöka och justera våra egna övertygelser och värderingar. Med utgångspunkt i att vi alla troligtvis behöver justera den egna moraliska kompassen - förbättrar vi tillsammans samhället. Så om du är intresserad av att utforska historiska perspektiv och utmana dig själv att tänka djupare på världen omkring dig, följ med oss på denna resa. Glöm inte att trycka på prenumerationsknappen och aktivera notiser så att du aldrig missar en ny video. Tack för att du tittar, och vi ses i nästa video!
Savoring the inspiration in the varied facets of life, I invite you to taste the joy of discovery, paired with the wonderful, creative outlet of pastel painting. My videos will take you to the places that inspire me, with the impressions and musings that connect my world with the wonderful medium of pastel. You will be delighted to see the photo references and videos that will take you right to the scene, and then watch as I demonstrate portions of each pastel painting. More than just an art demo, and more than simply a glimpse into the life of an artist; it’s a dynamic coalescing of the two, where the end result is a virtual walk into an artist’s mind. So, join me, pastel artist Debbie Harding - “like” my videos, and subscribe to this channel to become a part of the ongoing journey of Pastel Tapas. Thank you for your interest and valued support.
People seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.
Glimpses of my experiences with raising quail.
A place where I upload various videos.
Cooking tips, recipes, ideas and lessons
Mostly sailing videos, or whatever else captures my fancy.
Sharing my arts and crafts creations
Be Happy . Discover , live , love ,have fun ,a soul passing from earth journey.
The Kenyan Podcast
Here's where I post my various video game streams
Olá! Este canal é privativo com intuito de apenas mostras nossas viagens/aventuras pelas estradas do Espírito Santo, Brasil e do Mundo (algum dia) :) . Suas participações, curtidas e indicações/sugestões irá nos ajudar a fazer mais gravações para mostra-los. CONTAMOS COM VOCÊS!! :) Hi! This channel is private in order to only show our travels/adventures along the roads of Espírito Santo, Brazil and the World (someday) :) . Your shares, likes and nominations/suggestions will help us make more recordings to showcase them. WE COUNT ON YOU!! :)
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