

IL FILO DEL MAGISTRATO. PIATTAFORMA multimediale di PROVE DIRETTE AUDIO VIDEO E DOCUMENTI. La intera cordata deviata romana e i collegamenti esterni. Altro che le SALLUSTIADI !! “Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando” —> "Chi fa, cosa, dove, quando, perché e come, con quali ausili" <— ""Ποιος κάνει με τι, πού, πότε, γιατί και πώς".

Paolo Cee

1 Follower

Hi, my name is Paolo and I’d like to personally welcome you to my channel. As a creative marketing professional, I enjoy creating quality content for quality products with, you guessed it, quality gear. So I invested a ton in to this channel so I can give you, the viewers top notch content. As I grow the channel, we will be talking Tech, Audio, Gaming, Smart Gadgets, Fast Cars….and the list goes on. So Join me on this journey hit that subscribe button and sit back as we go through this journey together.