Pangea - Per un Mondo senza Guerre


PANGEA è un programma TV di politica internazionale a cura del Comitato No Guerra No Nato (CNGNN, Italia), APS Per Un Mondo Senza Guerre (Italia) e Global Research (Canada). Contribuisce a colmare il vuoto di informazione e contrastare la disinformazione dei grandi media sulle questioni nodali da cui dipende il nostro futuro e la nostra stessa vita. Trasmette in anteprima su Byoblu (canale 262 del digitale terrestre, canale 462 Tivùsat e canale 816 Sky) ogni venerdì alle 20:30, con 10 repliche nei giorni successivi. Ciascuna nuova puntata sarà disponibile anche online su , sul nostro sito e sul nostro canale Telegram CONTATTI Visitate il nostro sito Per qualsiasi informazione, domanda o proposta, scriveteci a , cercheremo di rispondervi al più presto. SOSTEGNO Se desiderate sostenere il nostro lavoro, vi preghiamo di fare una donazione su .

Angela's Dharma


Welcome! Out of options, Angela's Dharma spent 15 months living in her car from 2020 through Christmas day 2021. With God's hand, she was able to claw her way back stronger and better than ever. Along the way, she worked tirelessly on healing, personal growth, and reinventing herself. Determined to turn this dark time into something positive, she vowed to support people in their healing journey and in homeless communities using her ability to relate to them through her experience. Angela has had a natural ability for creating relaxing, soothing, and inviting environments. She has been recreating this same environment in videos since 2020. Being a creative free spirit, it made sense to merge these two passions together. She created this Rumble channel with the intent of providing a relaxing and supportive place where people can feel safe coming too. Settle in with relaxing ambiance, breathe deeply, and enjoy! You matter. You are worthy. You are lovable. If you'd like to support this channel: CashApp - $AngelasDharma

Pangea - For a World without Wars


Pangea is a TV program on international politics curated by the Committee No War No Nato (CNGNN, Italy), APS For a World without Wars (Italy) and Global Research (Canada). It provides high quality information and analysis, while contrasting the disinformation spread by mass media on the nodal issues on which our future and our own life depends. Our programs are transmitted first on Byoblu (Digital Terrestrial Channel 262, channel 462 Tivùsat and channel 816 Sky) every Friday at 20:30, with 10 reruns in the following days. Each new episode will also be available online on , on our website and on our Telegram channel . CONTACTS Visit our website For any information, question or proposal, write us at, we will try to answer you as soon as possible. SUPPORT If you want to support our work, we would be grateful if you could donate at