Washingtonians Against the Mandate (WAM)


Governor Inslee fired 1,887 state staff on October 18, 2021 for not submitting to his COVID-19 vaccine mandate. A resistance movement to this mandate (WAM) was born within days of Inslee's August 9, 2021 proclamation at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) South Central Region (Yakima vicinity). WAM grew quickly to include both vaccinated and unvaccinated freedom-lovers including firefighters, EMTs, state patrol officers, correction officers, nurses, teachers, private citizens, and many more. WAM remains united in the fight for medical freedom of choice and informed consent! This channel is not designed to earn dollars but to operate as a journal. Its focus it to DOCUMENT the injustice for the record - and to remain one click away from anyone who seeks truth. We will not allow what happened to be swept under the rug. Those responsible for this infringement on our Civil Rights must be held accountable.



Learn to speak and write Mandarin Chinese like native speakers with high-quality and detailed analysis lessons. These videos will enhance and improve your memorization of Mandarin Chinese Characters through animations and image descriptions. These lessons will also provide you with the necessary basics of Mandarin pronunciation through Zhuyin Phonetics. We also added many buzzwords, slang, and sentences to make you understand and read more Chinese. Hi, I am Yu Hsuan. I was an Interior Designer professional, used to teach Interior Design for over 7 years and have a Lecturer certificate in Taiwan. Now, I have lived in the United States for 5 years. I am trying to be a Mandarin teacher here to hope more people can read Chinese News and understand the meaning of Mandarin dialogs; besides, I know my pronunciation of Mandarin is pretty accurate and believe I could help you learn Mandarin effectively. Hope you will enjoy my videos and have good Mandarin Chinese skills through these courses.