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Mothers of Goshen


MOTHERS: Join me in building Goshen. For your family, for others, and for God. We ALL are called. Do not underestimate your assignments, for as it says in scripture: "and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this..." [Esther 4:14] You are royalty, and you have a very important role to play. WE ARE IN THE END TIMES. This channel is a ministry the Lord has called me to produce to help build His Kingdom, and to help empower mothers to plan, protect, provide, and pray! Should you feel called to give, all donations are put directly toward building Goshen to provide for others, when the time comes. God bless each and every one of you! WAYS TO GIVE: https://form.jotform.com/242207243142141 Email: mothersofgoshen@gmail.com