Human Consciousness Support (Official) Verified


One can check out and share these resources to help write letters, send prayers, and more for Dr Young. Thank you~ ---- HOW TO PURCHASE: Contact Who Told You About MasterPeace for their Affiliate Link. Click that to get into our site. This is the ONLY way you can create an account with us. MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Zeolite and Detox Game-Changer. You’ve likely read our front page or heard about MasterPeace and know a bit about the formula. But what is it with these particular ingredients that together makes MasterPeace a synergistic harmonious breakthrough in holistic detoxification? As you read, you’re encouraged to understand that your body does the healing and is your healer. MasterPeace helps this natural process by taking out the bad and replacing it with the good. That goodness is Marine Plasma, which is identical to your very own blood plasma. MasterPeace Consists Of Three Parts: Marine Plasma: The most complete, harmonious and highly bioavailable source of minerals, fatty acids and trace elements.Marine Plasma holds the mineral matrix and nutritional blueprint found in blood plasma across many of the worlds’ inhabitants, including humans. It can be used safely for blood transfusions since its makeup is so like the foundational plasma of the blood, if not exactly alike. Marine plasma is not just sea water or rehydrated rock salt. It is a life-processed and life-sustaining organic mineral-rich plasma of the highest grade and compatibility with living beings. In this form these nutrients are mostly in the nanometer to sub-nanometer or picometer size range, which creates unparalleled bio-availability when ingested. Clinoptilolite Zeolite: The Master Purifier/Binder of virtually all known toxins in a perfect dense size range which when ingested goes everywhere in your body. Clinoptilolite Zeolite is a strongly negatively charged natural detoxifying mineral that has a hollow and vast inner-cage structure. Most poisons are positively charged, so they magnetically bind firmly to the Zeolite. Heavy metals tend to stick in your negatively charged body, but the zeolite has a much stronger negative charge than your body so the poisons stick to the zeolite instead! Research on PubMed indicates improved effectiveness of Clinoptilolite Zeolite in binding a broader range of poisons when it’s combined with natural and healthy minerals, like you find in MasterPeace. This is called modifying the surface of the zeolite with natural organic minerals. The Marine Plasma assists the Zeolite, allowing it to bind to a more diverse range of tissue poisons. Subtle Aether Energy: Incorporating the Harmony of Creation. The Aether can be described as a sea of energy that surrounds, permeates and connects us and the world. The subtle aether energy that is all around us, is brought into harmony with the MasterPeace formula via water structuring, energetic treatment, and the dissolved mineral and zeolite crystals in MasterPeace. The dissolved minerals and zeolite are all crystals, and crystals as a category tend to resonate with this subtle and intelligent aether energy. These tiny crystals, plus the crystalline structured-water they’re dissolved in, give the MasterPeace formula a deep energetic relationship with the Creation around us, even just while sitting on your shelf. This is the same relationship our wonderful bodies have, when acting in their higher capacities, in a robust way. This may explain why you are likely to feel more “tuned in” in many aspects of your life while taking MasterPeace. What’s All That Mean? The natural master binder at nano size paired with Marine Plasma nutrition at sub-nano size, is a breakthrough in holistic detoxification! MasterPeace has been tested by Naturopathic Doctors and Live Blood Analysis to have a highly significant effect. MasterPeace has been tested by master kinesiologists and it comes out as a universal remedy for humanity. The testimonials in just a short period are a testament to its gentle yet profound impact on our bodies and lives. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, MasterPeace will help you become the best version of YOU!

The Orthodox Ethos


Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, author, speaker, translator & publisher from his Greek mountain village as he explores the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian: The Orthodox Ethos. You will be (re)introduced to Christ, the Incarnate and Diachronic Presence of God, in the lives of those who have been purified, illumined and glorified by Him. You will see the human person and the world anew, in the Light of the Resurrected and Ascended God-man as expressed by those “made gods by His Grace” (St. Athanasius the Great) in every age. You will be given great hope and a new perspective on life and death, history and eternity, and the very purpose of your existence. Questions? Join our Q&A with Fr. Peter Heers on Interested in learning more about Orthodoxy? See our Orthodoxy 101 videos at Be nourished by the writings of the Holy Fathers and see our other publications addressing timely matters in the life of the Church and the one thing needful at Questions? Contact us at Glory to God for all things. Amen. ☦️

Greek Orthodox Christian Television


Description GOCTV is dedicated to presenting programs produced from a Traditional Greek Orthodox Christian perspective. The programs are Produced & Directed by Certain Romans of the Old World Order. The Resistance to the Ecumenism, and Secularism of the New World Order is the Holy Tradition of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Join the Resistance. GOCTV is not affiliated with any Church jurisdiction. The Producers are from various jurisdictions. Although acknowledging his contributions we do not endorse John S. Romanides - a clergyman who represented Ecumenist jurisdictions at the syncretistic World Council of Churches. He authored articles questioning the Orthodoxy of Saints of the Church, and calling Orthodox those whom the Church has anathematized as heretics. We reject un-Orthodox actions/statements of his, and while certain of his writings are examined in our programs, we do not endorse his writings, or actions in toto. Programs with a (G) before the title are in GREEK

Greek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece


Watch live from the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi at Lycabettus hill, the Matins/Orthros and the Divine Liturgy. The Saint Isidoroi is a small cavernous Church of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens with daily sacrificial life, where the rock is lost in the Light and becomes a meeting place of the greatest Christian figures of the 4th century, the Cappadocian Fathers Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian with the young Ascetic, Nectarios of Pentapolis, Porphyrios of Kausokalyvitis and Nikolaos Planas. It is sculpted inside the largest cave of Lycabettus and unites the shadow of the distant capital with the sky. The cave functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. The Holy Cross dominates the Holy Temple which is located on the west side of Lycabettus Hill in Athens. The channel officially started operating in February 2020 and includes videos from Divine Liturgies, Speeches, Psalms etc.

Eastern Orthodox Daily Calendar


This channel is dedicated to everyday readings of the lives of the Eastern Orthodox saints. If you like it, please show your support by liking the videos, leaving a comment, and subscribing. All the saints, pray to God for us! Please note: The dates of the feasts, celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church, are marked with (N.S.) - "New Style". Этот канал посвящен ежедневным чтениям о житиях святых православной церкви. Если вам понравились видео, прошу поддержать канал лайками, комментариями и подпиской. Всии святые, молите Бога о нас! Примечание: даты памяти святых, празднуемые Русской Православной Церковью, обозначены пометкой "по новому стилю" (по н. ст.).

Orthodox Sentinel Radio


"Defending the faith, with the sword of Truth."™ Orthodox Sentinel Radio is dedicated to equipping Orthodox Christians for the profound Spiritual Warfare of the 21st century. Listen to Orthodox Sentinel Radio online at or on your mobile device by downloading the "Simple Radio" app (blue logo) and searching “Orthodox Sentinel.” *Orthodox Sentinel Radio, is a subsidiary of Orthodox Sentinel Ministries, Inc. - a registered non-profit organization in Texas, currently seeking tax-exempt status at the State and Federal level.

Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony


Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony provides a unique look at the fight against American hegemony from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Our engaging discussions, insightful interviews, and funny memes are sure to spark debate and shed light on important topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs. We feature insightful interviews with notable individuals, such as naturalized Russian citizens with American heritage such as Russell "Texas" Bentley, John Mark Dougan, and more, as we discuss topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs.

Great-Martyrs Theodore Recruit and General


Sts. Theodore’s Mission statement: "Enlightening those in darkness" Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught us that we are called to be a light to the world. Also by walking in the light of Christ we naturally reaffirm the true Orthodox philotimo (meaning the Holy Spirit guiding a community in its beliefs and aspirations through the contemplation of the Holy Trinity) amongst our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church. DISCLAIMER: All posts are made by a layman channel admin on behalf of Father Andrew Hammond. Any post directly from Father Andrew will be indicated as such. LINKS: Sts. Theodore Eastern American Diocese Holy Trinity Monastery Orthodox Life Orthodox Wisdom

Greek Orthodox Church


The Greek Orthodox Chapel of Saint Jude Thaddeus is located in the courtyard of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi (Holy Archdiocese of Athens). The cave Church of Saint Isidoroi functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. This channel is a minimal attempt to present the Apostle Jude Thaddeus who is notvery whell known.

5 Paragraph - Military Management Method For The Modern Workforce Verified


Carry out your vision… 5 Paragraph puts your entire design, build, software, accounting, sales, marketing, biz dev, advertising, team, all of it - all on one sheet of music singing in harmony in order to bring your idea into reality. Each discipline has their own project management method or agile scrum or relationship-based care, etc. Everyone has their own way of doing things and each discipline has their own standard operating procedures…. So does the military. The military flies jets, shoots artillery, maintains accountability of supplies, sails ships, does administrative work and it all centers around one simple template for planning and method for taking action – 5 Paragraph From the joint chief’s strategy all the way down to the squads carrying out the mission in the field, it all runs on the same military management method. Now it’s available to you the modern workforce. From the owners on the board to the C-suite and your teams in the field, your entire organization … 5 Paragraph empowers every leader.