

***Seeking the Truth in a World Seemingly Gone Mad*** WarriorCast explores the broader sociocultural and economic impacts of the mass adoption of emergent technology. We play no favorites and often play Devil’s advocate, so to explore each the Yin and the Yang, the Order and Chaos, the Instruments of Mass Liberation & Near Certain Servitude, that such novel technologies may offer us in the coming years. For the outcome to be Good, True, and Beautiful, we know there must be an apex value schema where at the top rests the Ultimate Sacred built upon shared 1st principals. That we build something meaningful together that inspires awe and delivers opportunity to the 4 corners of the earth. A virtual free marketplace of uncensorable ideas and value creation. We at Citizen Warrior firmly believe that the potential therein may tie humanity together by a social fabric so mighty that its mere existence may mitigate inter-nation state conflict & intra-nation state unrest. The future is bright… or dark as all hell. It is our aim to figure out which is more likely. We hope you enjoy. If not… meh, that's ok, too. #1Love Let’s Begin, - M.

Blue Orca Digital TV


Hi, my name is Alan Taylor, I create videos on transport, wildlife, live events and gaming video content. IT Service Delivery Analyst fulltime currently originally studied at Portobello High School then Film, TV & Video Production at Jewel and Esk College then graduated from Edinburgh Napier University. Based in North East Fife, Scotland originally from Edinburgh and have close ties to Dundee and East Lothian. Love the cinema, wildlife conservation and photography, video gaming, marching band music, live theatre, model railways and enjoying the great outdoors. You can support me by subscribing to my patreon page: ❤️❤️You can support my work by donating here: