Not So Random


Spreading kindness in the final hour. As the world descends into darkness, Christians are called to be beacons of hope. Not So Random believes in the transformative power of kindness, especially in these "last days." Inspired by the Bible and guided by the Holy Spirit, we encourage strategic acts of compassion. These aren't random acts – they're opportunities to touch lives and inspire others. Reaching one hand into the gutter, the other hand into the glory, & bringing them together, in Jesus' Name! For nearly 25 years, Gary has served behind the scenes in media. Now, Gary and his wife Annjeana are stepping into the light, using media to reach the lost. He recognizes that Satan has used media to mislead, but believes the power of the Christ can be even stronger.

"Sabor Natural: Explorando Frutas con Enrique"

1 Follower

"¡Bienvenidos a 'Aprendiendo de Fruta con Enrique'! Este es tu destino para descubrir el maravilloso mundo de las frutas de una manera única y educativa. Únete a mí, Enrique, mientras exploramos la diversidad de frutas, desde las más comunes hasta las más exóticas, compartiendo información fascinante sobre sus orígenes, propiedades nutricionales, beneficios para la salud y formas deliciosas de incorporarlas en tu dieta diaria. ¡Prepárate para nutrir tu mente y cuerpo mientras aprendemos juntos sobre la naturaleza y el sabor de estas delicias naturales!"


1 Follower

"Bem-vindo ao canal 'Orando com Propósito'! Aqui, mergulhamos em uma jornada espiritual profunda, explorando a fé e a oração com significado e intenção. Descubra práticas inspiradoras, meditações guiadas e reflexões que irão enriquecer sua vida espiritual. Juntos, vamos aprender a orar com propósito, conectando-nos de maneira mais profunda com o divino e transformando nossas vidas através da poderosa ferramenta da oração. Subscreva agora para embarcar nesta jornada espiritual enriquecedora!" "Welcome to the 'Praying with Purpose' channel! Here, we embark on a deep spiritual journey, exploring faith and prayer with meaning and intention. Discover inspiring practices, guided meditations, and reflections that will enrich your spiritual life. Together, we will learn to pray with purpose, connecting more deeply with the divine and transforming our lives through the powerful tool of prayer. Subscribe now to embark on this enriching spiritual journey!"