E. Michael Jones


This is the official Rumble channel of Dr. E. Michael Jones: https://infogalactic.com/info/E._Michael_Jones Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, best selling author, lecture, and editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them. Buy his Books: https://www.fidelitypress.org/ Subscribe to Magazine: https://CultureWars.com Donate: https://culturewars.com/donate Join our Telegram Channel: https://t.me/RealEMichaelJones www.Twitter.com/CultureWarsMag www.Facebook.com/e.jones.752 www.gab.com/emichaeljones



DONATE : https://paypal.me/radiobaloney\n\nHelp support the channel, it’s greatly appreciated!\n\nWebsite : www.radiobaloney.com \n\nYoutube : https://youtube.com/c/RADIOBALONEY\n\nBitchute : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/radio_baloney/\n\nOdysee :https://odysee.com/@RADIO_BALONEY\n\nRumble. :https://rumble.com/register/Radio_Baloney/\n\nMinds. : https://www.minds.com/radio_baloney/?referrer=radio_baloney?referrer=radio_baloney\n\nSpreaker podcast : https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-richie-baloney-show

The Enemy Within Docuseries Verified


THE ENEMY WITHIN, a 3-episode true crime, psychological docu-thriller, dives into the mind of one of the most controversial CEO’s of all time. Patrick Byrne, the founder/CEO of Overstock.com, rose to the height of financial success and was once heralded as a Wall Street prophet and the “Bitcoin Messiah” by Wired Magazine. However, in 2019, Byrne seemingly slipped into madness— he quit his position as Overstock CEO and claimed he was a government asset, being used by the “deep state” in a game of domestic espionage. Spinning tales of trysts with an alleged Russian spy, FBI initiated bribes against presidential candidates, and failed attempts to alert the powers that be to the cancer metastasizing throughout the halls of American power-- Byrne eventually finds himself sneaking into the Oval Office during the last days of the Trump Presidency-- and unwittingly becomes embroiled in the darkest political day in recent American history—January 6, 2021. Inspired by the Academy Award winning documentary THE FOG OF WAR by Erroll Morris, THE ENEMY WITHIN asks the question-- are there dark forces within government using people like Patrick Byrne to control world events? Or has our culture become a place so ripe for conspiracy that we become a threat to society-- our own worst enemy?

EarthNewspaper.com All The Honest News Fit To Publish


EarthNewspaper.com has become the website where intelligent, free thinkers seeking the truth obtain independent articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music. Every week I publish and archive more than one hundred posts on the most crucial issues facing humanity. To expose and overcome the satanic forces, we must come together and defend freedom of speech, so please share and support EarthNewspaper.com. Thank you, Mark R. Elsis, now in my 28th year publishing honest and independent news online.