A Warrior Calls


One man has come forth with the biggest truth hidden from his fellow man based. on 20 years of investigation work. This one truth will save our world and it is time you all learned WHO you are and WHAT was done to all of us when born. When the people learn what was done... it will then be a global movement to correct and restore the LAW to the people and return trillions of dollars stolen by the Queen, Pope and Central Bankers to every country worldwide. This is the greatest fight of our lives and the PANDEMIC FRAUD surrounding Covid 19... was created by these parasites to fool the world while they usher in a global control/single currency/cashless society [new world order] and strip every man and woman of their rights and property while ushering in mandatory Vaccines that by design will destroy our immune systems as vaccines have been doing since early 80\'s. This evil has been in this world for a very long time but only now our world is learning and seeing the hidden hand that is behind all of this Pandemic lock down every country without firing a single shot that by design will destroy the wealth of the people and enslave all of us to a tyrannical order... this will affect the next 1,000 years if we do NOT stop this all now and fight back. A Warrior Calls [Christopher] has come forth and into the light to fight this evil with truth and also the solution. Go to www.awarriorcalls.com and sign up with your email address and get going on learning WHAT was done to you and the solution for our world to hold all accountable and restore trillions to the people and the real power back to we the people. God Speed

Gonçalo Sousa


Calorosas saudações. Liberalmente Conservador para os que têm bom-senso. Facho digital para os guerreiros do teclado. 23 anos. O meu percurso passa inicialmente pela área de Economia no ensino secundário. Posteriormente licenciei-me em Ciências da Comunicação com um semestre de Erasmus na área de Relações Internacionais. Atualmente a concluir Mestrado em Ciência Política. Candidato a Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Oeiras em 2021 pelo Partido CHEGA. Palestrante. Supremacista do bom-senso. Para contactos comerciais, entrevistas e afins, contactar por email goncalosousa.contacto@gmail.com Instagram - topgoncalosousa

Catholics for Catholics


Get Updates on the Political Landscape from a Catholic Perspective. About Us We are a 501c4 organization that provides educational resources about Catholic doctrine including materials addressing Catholic leaders' positions on public policy, legislation, and other matters affecting social welfare. We are at the intersection of the faith and politics. Catholics for Catholics has a mission to collaborate with other groups as we all work to help the Church and Country in this special time in history. Join Our Catholic Movement Today! Visit: https://cforc.com/

Decree For Canada with Howard Olsen


Join Us Daily As We Rise Up, Exercise Our Authority, Push Back Darkness and Reclaim Our Dominion of Canada and Republic of America. ‌‌We’re Live Monday - Friday 7:50 - 8:15 AM PST Howard Olsen - An Apostolic Marketplace Leader - a culture shifter who transforms business results and personal lives by harnessing biblical truths and applying them with relevance to our daily lives. Howard Olsen, a leading sales and communications strategist and highly sought-after conference speaker, now adds the offices of Pastor, Apostle and Kingdom Reformer to the list of titles people use to describe him. Join Him For A Daily Decree and Teaching To Rise In Authority.



None of this is financial advice, just live commentary on current market conditions in both stocks and crypto currency. I will be using webull for charting, However my straight stock purchases will be done on a lit exchange and a majority of my other plays will be through one of my other brokers because I feel as if I get better fills. I am starting this channel because no creator is currently doing an all day stream anymore so I am looking to fill that void. I will be using the 13/48/200 EMA indicator strategy a majority of the time, props to Short the Vix, TMI and Review dork for exposing that cheat code. I do respect your freedom of speech which is why I plan to stream to rumble exclusively however, do not disrespect each other or any other creator. Remember, It is okay to agree to disagree. Below I dropped some Crypto links for you, web3 should be a game changer. https://nexo.io/ref/z2ryta3bbj?src=android-link (where I compound crypto interest) https://crypto.com/app/y5tr5v9m9w (favorite overall exchange) https://uphold.com/signup?referral=84cc956664 (where I buy my XRP) http://coinbase.com/join/gedric_9?src=android-link (free $10 in bitcoin)