RidiculousRides Verified


Welcome to Barcroft Cars, brought to you by the creators of Barcroft TV! Barcroft Cars features the most incredible exclusive car stories from around the world. Forget road tests, races and oil changes - Barcroft Cars is all about the vroom. Barcroft Cars is an exciting mix of everything from the most desirable to the most unusual of vehicles. Meeting the biggest, boldest characters, our original films will bring you the amazing world of cars like you’ve never seen before.

Chlorine Dioxide Truth (Further Light and Knowledge)


If someone wants to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD or MMS) as a medicine they would first need to understand why it has such negative press from the mainstream media outlets, Pharmaseutical companies, the FDA and on social media. Simply put, IT IS INEXPENSIVE, YOU CAN MAKE IT AT HOME, AND IT WORKS! This does not fit the for-profit business model of any company or regulating government. Anyone that really takes the time to learn about it will find that there are two extremes of people talking about it. The first group (Which you could call the "Newsies") reports that it is fake medicine, snake oil and some kind of toxic-bleach-poison. The other group (Which could be called the "Grass Roots" Group) gives thousands of testimonies of real people who tell how it helped with diseases. infections and other ailments. My mission with these playlists is to find and explain the truths of what CD is and how it can help the body. I also take some time to explain why it gets so much negative publicity from the "powers that be". I have spent about 300 hours in this study and receive no pay for my work. My compensation comes from being able to learn, test and teach about what I have experienced. It will save you money, improve the quality of life and even save lives. I also have a free book for anyone who wants to learn the basics about this as a health suppliment. You can download it from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D_a02nAGICKllfZy9qR1FTM_UZd6hOXP/view?usp=sharing

Bode Lang


Bode Lang, Conservative content creator and grew tired of being censored by YouTube. Moving my channel to Rumble \n\nMore Links: YouTube.com/c/bodelang\\\n\nThe website, http://ConservativeAmmo.com is the ultimate hub to find Conservative content from across the web. Whether you want to look up Facts, Stats, Studies, and insights for research papers or simply to prove your liberal friend wrong, ConservativeAmmo.com can help make it easier to find\n\nChannel link: YouTube.com/c/bodelang\\\n\nWritings: https://www.americanthinker.com/author/bode_lang/\n\nTwitter @Bode_Lang\n

TETSU: Riding Through the Unknown Verified


Podcast show about disclosure, esoterics, my personal journey into discovering part of who I am. I delve into topics such as MK Ultra, SSP, SSP Black Ops, Garden of Eden, Fallen Angels, Alien Races, Megaliths, Giants, Tartaria, Antarctica, Moon Bases, Stargates, Portals, Triangles around the planet, the mystery of the Unitah Basin, and more. Join me on this journey into the esoteric world of the unknown and follow along my journey of self discovery into pieces of my past which were blocked from me. I also have two other podcast shows and will share episodes of those shows which I feel delve into topics from this show as well.

Trails and Road rides and Cross Training Adventures


Along with my family, the outdoors have been my inspiration and playground all through my life. I have built my life around being active and enjoying the varying aspects of outdoor sports. As I get older, the passion is still there as strong as ever but there is a new developing desire to share my passion with others so that they to can find success in the outdoors. Giving back to the community is something that drives me and as a story teller, I look forward to learning how to tell my story in this digital age.