:Eternally Oriented:


🟢👉Link to my BITCHUTE CHANNEL: http://bitchute.com/channel/c4J5RRt1PK7R May this channel serve to fulfill the mission of locating the chosen "LOST VIRYAS", as stated in the Letter to the ELECT within the: "FUNDAMENTALS OF HYPERBOREAN WISDOM" in order to Initiatically prepare them to "FACE THE COMING END OF HISTORY WITH HONOR" ...The Desire for WISDOM leads to the KINGDOM OF GOD. MAY THIS SWIFTLY FIND YOU AND HELP ON YOUR PATH OF RETURN TO THE ETERNAL ORIGIN- "A Loyal Siddha" The kernel of absolute orientation of SPIRIT, and the highest goal of ALL those who aspire to EXIST eternally is at the center WITHIN. The ONLY center to this Mental Electric UNI-VERSE is The INCOGNIZABLE ORIGIN.. Awaken now, sleeping VIRYAS for your Spiritual Home awaits.. Videos espousing the glory of the Adamic line; and the Esoteric Science of that lineage. Audiobook readings for the Neophyte on the PATH. Please consider supporting me through rumbles and donations if you wish to be a part of the Golden thread, that I may do this work freely for the evolution of consciousness in humanity. I will also post Amazon Associate links in the descr. of videos that are audiobook excerpts. PAYPAL: sublimedmind777@gmail.com

Il Pensiero Differente


INFORMAZIONE LIBERA, INDIPENDENTE, SCEVRA DA QUALSIVOGLIA CONFLITTO DI INTERESSI. Mai come oggi ne abbiamo un disperato bisogno. Mentre i salotti delle nostre televisioni si riempiono di giornalisti, pennivendoli ed esperti di ogni tipo dalla dubbia onestà intellettuale, noi, francamente, ci siamo stufati. Perchè vedete, in fin dei conti è proprio vero, le bugie hanno le gambe corte. Si riesce quasi a sentirne l’odore, la puzza di marcio. Lo si legge nei volti e negli sguardi di chi le racconta. Politici, pseudogiornalisti, conduttori televisivi, sembrano recitare sempre lo stesso identico copione. Non c’è spazio per chi la pensa diversamente, per chi dubita, per chi ragiona con il proprio cervello e per chi vorrebbe porre delle lecite domande. E allora non ci resta che rimboccarci le maniche e prendecelo da soli il nostro spazio. Non certo nei loro salotti, ovviamente. Per il momento su youtube, su Telegram e sui vari social, almeno finchè avremo la possibilità di esprimere liberamente le nostre idee. In futuro si vedrà... Vi invito quindi ad iscrivervi e a condividere il link del CANALE TELEGRAM in modo da diffondere il più possibile queste notizie. Qui sotto il link per contribuire al progetto e permettermi di continuare ad offrirvi questo servizio e migliorarlo sempre di più. Grazie a tutti! 🙏🏻

Renter Confidential - Expert Tips for Money, Style, and Space


Hello and welcome to our brand new show, "Renter Confidential"! I am your host, the award-winning author and property management expert, Justin Pogue. Now I know that renting might not be the most glamorous topic in the world, but I promise you, this show is going to blow your mind. Why? Because we're going to share with you all the confidential secrets renters need to make the most of their money, style, and space. But, wait…there’s more. We’ll also bring you interviews highlighting renter experiences - the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Plus I’ll dive in and give you my insider take on renter related news and headlines. Whether you're a college student looking for your first apartment, a young professional trying to make it in the city, or just someone who is tired of living in a cramped and cluttered space, Renter Confidential is for you. Over the last 20 years, I've seen just about every rental scenario you can imagine. I've helped renters save money on rent and find their perfect apartment, all while staying within their budget. And I've been featured on dozens of media outlets, including Apartment Therapy.com, Stacking Benjamins, How To Money, Realtor.com, FOX News, and the San Jose Mercury News. So if you're ready to take your rental game to the next level, join us on Renter Confidential. Your wallet, your style, and your space will thank you.

Breaking News, Current Daily Events, The Daily Scoop, Headline News, News Now, World News Today, News in Focus


Welcome to Breaking News, your go-to source for up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest news and current events from around the world. Our team of experienced journalists is dedicated to bringing you the most important stories of the day, with in-depth analysis and expert commentary. From politics and international relations to entertainment and sports, we cover it all. Stay informed and stay ahead of the curve with Breaking News." This description highlights the key features of the channel, including its focus on breaking news and its team of experienced journalists. It also mentions the broad range of topics that the channel covers, from politics and international relations to entertainment and sports. Finally, it encourages viewers to stay informed and stay ahead of the curve by tuning in to the channel

The Rumble Youniversity Orientation With Jack Bosma


The Rumble Youniversity Orientation With Jack Bosma https://www.udemy.com/course/the-rumble-youniversity-orientation-with-jack-bosma Rumble is a rapidly growing video-sharing platform designed for content creators and viewers seeking an alternative to mainstream platforms like YouTube. Established in 2013, Rumble promotes itself as a champion of free speech and diversity of thought, emphasizing minimal content restrictions compared to its competitors. This has made it particularly popular among creators who feel censored or limited by other platforms' policies, leading to a significant rise in its user base over recent years. The platform offers various monetization opportunities, making it appealing to both amateur and professional creators. Rumble's monetization model includes multiple revenue streams, such as ad revenue, subscriptions, and the ability to license videos for distribution to third parties. One of the key advantages of Rumble is that it allows creators to retain full ownership of their content, unlike some platforms where ownership may be transferred under certain conditions. Rumble's interface is user-friendly, offering video upload, live streaming, and subscription services to support creators in building and engaging their audiences. Rumble also provides different levels of creator accounts, with each tier offering increasing benefits such as higher revenue shares or priority in content discovery. A unique aspect of Rumble is its growing role as a distribution hub, with content often being licensed to major networks and platforms, giving creators access to a broader audience beyond Rumble itself. Additionally, the platform’s algorithm is designed to prioritize content based on engagement rather than subjective content rankings, allowing for a more democratic content discovery process. The platform has attracted a range of content types, from political discussions to entertainment, sports, and education, with an increasing number of high-profile personalities and creators migrating to it. This shift is contributing to its rapid rise as a significant player in the competitive digital video space. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma https://meetn.com/jackbosma tutorjacknetwork@gmail.com "Inspect what you expect."