Dark Ocean w/ PJ Williams


Dark Ocean dives into the depths of the unexplained, uncovering conspiracies, cryptids, and supernatural stories hidden beneath the surface. Each episode takes you beyond the familiar shores and into the vast, uncharted waters of the strange and mysterious. Join PJ Williams as he explores eerie tales, puzzling phenomena, and chilling secrets that lurk in the shadows. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, prepare to plunge into the Dark Ocean, where every discovery leads to new questions.



https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm2zzqYRvzWVbL5RPN3k64g?sub_confirmation=1 enjoy the video if so like and subscribe and read my Description. to get to no more of me. i am the average Gran Turismo7 player and i enjoy playing GT7 for fun no BIG budget setup or simracing rig jusr your average averyday joe playing Gran Tuismo and posting my videos up on youTube channel for fun so if you don't mind and you like my video's and you would like to see more of the video's take it to the next level and remember to like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video! it's very much appreciated and THANK YOU. if you would like to Support the channel to help it paypal.me/HighoctaneracingYT Thank you VidIQ!”i am a Vidiq affiliate Kickstart your YouTube career with help from vidIQ! From understanding the basics to implementing cutting edge strategies to grow your channel, vidIQ provides all the tools and support you need. Signup for vidIQ today! At. vidiq.com/Highoctaneracing

Ancient Ocean Ruins


Ancient Ocean Ruins a constant search and exploration of ancient ocean flooded ruins how ancient? built by who? there are many theories and many questions. flooded when, how many times? cosmic? earthly? human caused? there are many theories and many questions... what about me and this channel? I explore and see what I can see when it is available to see. I try to stick to simplistic theories and never stick to precise historical dates and labels of how far in the past something happened. to simplify with the most drastic example, I would not be surprised if we find ruins of a 500.000 year old civilization somewhere while mining deep for gold, uranium or diamonds, etc. and that number is just a pure guess. AluminoHato 2024 https://beacons.ai/ancientocean