YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For Patriots


I am not a full time content provider. I have more then one job, but will take the time to bring you relevant truths.\\\\n\\\\nI do not have the resources like the MSM does, but it is really easy to outperform them with truth.\\\\n\\\\nI do like producing videos and would like to do this full time so I can hire some help.\\\\n\\\\nWith that said I would be blessed with donations.\\\\n\\\\npaypal:\\\\n\\\\nVenmo: @David-Oates-8

Unvaccinated and Healthy Podcast


Tales from the other side: "Unvaccinated, healthy, and resilient!" 💪😎👊 My wife Elizabeth and I, Paulo, are starting a podcast on this topic, in English and Spanish, talking about health and resilience experiences among the unvaccinated during the pandemic. Why? During such a global experiment the control group is of the greatest importance. There are several things we have witnessed unjabbed healthy people have in common: 1. If they got covid, didn't even realize it. 2. No reinfections. 3. No long covid. 4. No cancers. 5. No rare diseases such as myocarditis, PoTS, bell's palsy, shingles, or any other. 6. No sudden deaths. 7. The pandemic has been their healthiest season in a long time. In some cases, they are even healthier than before the pandemic!! It is interesting to share experiences so we can improve our health, resilience, and wisdom!!! Do you know an unjabbed, healthy, and resilient person we should talk to? Are you one of us? Please, contact us!

Why we don't vaccinate


The Vaxxed stories were collected on a bus tour in 2016-2017 following the release of the documentary Vaxxed. At every stop, parents lined up to tell what happened to their formerly healthy children following one or more vaccinations. Clearly these parents were not "anti-vaxxers" as they did vaccinate. But doctors would not listen or help when adverse events occurred, so parents wanted to document their experiences as a warning to others. A dozen MDs also came aboard to speak about the vaccine-injury they have seen. One MD even had a child die following vaccination. Taken all together, these stories disprove the industry claims that serious adverse events are rare and that vaccines are "safe and effective." After seeing the damage to their children, many parents stop vaccinating any younger siblings and thus are able to speak to the superior health in the unvaccinated. We call this a Vaxxed versus Unvaxxed study in that family as all other variables are fixed (diet, genetics, etc.) The best place to see these original stories is at where they are categorized by topic. New stories are now being collected with a new bus! Watch them at Children's Health Defense (CHD.TV) To learn more about the Autism Trust USA, see

How To Beat The Canada Revenue Agency - Eliminate Income and Corporate Tax Verified


CANADA'S NUMBER ONE TAX EXPERT! STOP PAYING TAX IN CANADA NOW! Kevin J. Johnston has earned the reputation as Canada's foremost authority on INCOME TAX and CORPORATE INCOME TAX STRATEGIES. With over four decades of experience in defeating the Canada Revenue Agency and attacking government bodies that hurt the public, Kevin J. Johnston is the right choice to solve your Tax Problems. The Canada Revenue Agency HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN CANADA, and they commit crimes every day when they threaten Canadians. Kevin J. Johnston gets them to BACK OFF and get your taxes complete so that you OWE NOTHING! The LAW of the land states that you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THE CRA MONEY, you only have to fill out their forms, so come to Kevin J. Johnston and get them filled out the right way, and sit back, relax, and enjoy spending your money because you won't be giving it to the Canada Revenue Agency. Book your 1 Hour Consultation NOW to GET RID OF THE CRA!

Vax Facts & Why Never Be Vaccinated


Vaccine Facts & Only Facts.. Why is the covid vax killing so many and for those it has not (yet), what is the blatantly clear nefarious purpose. Containing GRAPHENE, and lots of it, and NANO PARTICLES, it was suddenly available just months after a never before seen virus outbreak. Throw in a dash of the University of Pennsylvania's MRNA, a little 5G (graphenes only known authority as graphene is used to actuate robotic, drone and other physical movements when told to do so by 5g millimeter signals) and you have a full blown survival of the fittest population, punish or terminate option imbedded in people and a Killing Fields (movie)!environment ready to go. Bring into one country millions of Latinos, Chinese, and Middle Easterners, drum up hate and dissent thru controller media, add conservative and liberal, LGBFTB whatever then and effectively stir up as much differing and dividing issues as possible, 451 corrupt representatives, 101 corrupt senators, one senile useless piece of turd president and one elementary school educated vice president and on and on and on and you have a perfect recipe for the elite exiting the country and leaving the rest to sort it out. Once all hell breaks out the emotional energy known as LOUCHE, dating back to recorded Egyptian times , is the food for demons (reptilians etc). It's population control, it's enslavement. The reasons are unknown but the facts or not. The facts are vaccine has no value no benefit has done no one any good and it's killed millions. Silenced, shunned, called conspiracy theory, those who have spoken out I've had great reprisal, government sanctions and licensure issues, and in many cases suicided or other issues.