The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee: A Carnivore Podcast
5,339 FollowersLearn how to look and feel your best with the Carnivore Diet Dr Chaffee is a doctor and former professional rugby player who spent years researching and living as a Carnivore and has seen its benefits both in his personal life and in his patients. He will be joined by other experts in the field who have years of experience and hard science to help you achieve your health and fitness goals!
Urbi et Orbi Communications
4,586 FollowersDiscussion about the Catholic Church today and the present situation in the world.
Jay & Monica Campbell - The Optimized Tribe
4,110 FollowersThe Optimized Tribe lead by the husband and wife team of Jay & Monica Campbell is the premier online destination for learning how to fully optimize your health while intuitively creating a better you. Jay Campbell is a 4x international best selling author, champion men’s physique competitor, co-founder of Aseir Custom and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast. Jay is a global influencer on hormones, biohacking and raising human consciousness. Jay will teach you how to raise your vibration to oscillation. Monica Campbell is a best selling author, award winning mega listing real estate agent and affectionally known as the Rainbow Unicorn due her uncanny ability in helping others. Monica was raised by a single mother and an almost absent alcoholic father. Now the amazing mother of 5 children (3 biological and 2 bonus daughters) she has learned how to overcome adversity while thriving. Her decades of real estate skills training taught her mastery of interpersonal communication while her deep inner work practice honed her abilities as a mega-manifester.
Keep NYC MegaTrash Free
1,628 FollowersKeep NYC MegaTrash Free is a campaign movement to support New York City in keeping our community grounded with morals, ethics and paying it forward. I use the Royal Family and ex Royals primarily for illustration purposes.
1,022 FollowersTRUMPERS
856 FollowersAnthonyChaffeeMD
509 FollowersSalon Ludzi Wolnych
507 FollowersCelem projektu „Salon Ludzi Wolnych” jest odblokowanie najpoważniejszych barier w społecznej komunikacji; związanych zarówno z treścią naszych dyskusji, jak i formą ich propagowania. Cywilizacyjne zagrożenia oraz największe społeczne problemy powinny być omawiane otwarcie, publicznie i bez lęku. Jedynie w taki sposób dotrzemy do wyczerpujących diagnoz, do najtrafniejszych definicji, do prawdy. Podczas dystrybucji wyprodukowanych już materiałów przyjęliśmy zasadę najdalej idącej współpracy wielu portali blogerskich, kanałów informacyjnych oraz platform ułatwiających emisję. ________________ Projekt realizowany jest przez Fundację Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia, społeczność oraz zaprzyjaźnionych Twórców. Strona projektu: Kontakt : ________________ Zmierzamy do wolnej, bezpiecznej Polski. Jeżeli chciałbyś udzielić wsparcia temu, co robimy, wystarczy drobna wpłata na rzecz Fundacji "Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia" : 66 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 4990 PLN 86 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 5018 USD Kod SWIFT/BIC do przelewu z zagranicy: WBKPPLPP W tytule przelewu prosimy wpisać: "Darowizna na cele statutowe". Konto PayPal SLW Bez Waszego wsparcia nic nie będzie możliwe. _________________ Uwarunkowania prawne. Drogi Użytkowniku, Materiał, który masz przed sobą, jest chroniony prawami autorskimi. Zachęcamy do rozpowszechniania tego materiału w całości. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na dystrybucję w częściach, należy zachować integralności treści, aby uniknąć zmiany sensu oryginalnej wypowiedzi. W każdej dystrybucji obowiązkowe jest jasne wskazanie źródła poprzez zamieszczenie linku do strony internetowej
Amateur Ham Radio Shortwave (LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, SHF) Communications + Space Weather
473 FollowersRadio Communications - VLF, LF, Shortwave (HF), VHF, UHF, SHF Topics including propagation and space weather, electronics, Morse code, digital modes, and more.
SharonandIvoof Vega
404 FollowersChannelings from the Vegan constellation
348 FollowersAll things Technical or New
296 FollowersWhere you can learn new things
276 FollowersAmateur Radio and All about Ham Communication
258 Followers1.This Channel is all about Amateur Radio Communication.\\n2.Learn about the Basics of Radio Communication\\n3. Learn how to make your own Projects \\n4.Learn about Radio Principles and Practices.
The Panic Attack
251 FollowersPolitical, Historical, American Patriotism
243 FollowersTechnicalWorkRateProductions
236 FollowersBritannica Politica
230 FollowersVideo maker go brrr
227 FollowersIconically Vaxxed
209 FollowersVaccines have caused harm and deaths since there was only one vaccine in existence. A growing number of serious injuries and deaths to children occurred in the 1980s, when the vaccine schedule began to increase, and new combinations of vaccines were given together – with absolutely NO pre-licensure safety testing performed. The passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was intended to shift the burden of ensuring vaccines were safe to the federal government, while providing a mechanism for compensating those who were inevitably harmed by vaccines. Neither of these initiatives were successful. Millions of American children have been harmed by untested and dangerous vaccines with no acknowledgement of their injuries. The hastily developed COVID vaccines are no different in their ability to cause permanent harm or death. But now it is ADULTS who are being harmed, and their devastating injuries are far more difficult to dismiss than injuries to infants who cannot communicate. There have now been more adverse reactions reported to VAERS for COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines in history combined. -- -- The Iconic KJV Bible: The Iconic Christian Walk: Marriage In Light of the Bible: Feminism In Light of the Bible: A Christian Christmas: The Sodomite Agenda: The Synagogue of Satan: Beware Of False Prophets: Expounding Revelations: Pre-Tribulation Rapture Fraud: -- -- Who I Am: I am a Christian that doesn't hide my bias. I view the world with a Baptist Bias. (Thank You To: This means that I view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While culture, opinions, and man's philosophies may change, the Word of God never changes. As we watch the accelerated deterioration of our culture and the vanishing of intelligence and adherence to truth in our nation, I seek to help bring America the reality check she so desperately needs through organized videos from real men of God, today's watchmen. As our country debates over whether two plus two really equals four, or contemplates the question of, "can a man get pregnant?" what will be posted for you is the discussions the main stream media and the TV preachers will never bring you.
168 FollowersÑTV en Español | Películas, Animaciones, Música, Audiolibros y mucho más
164 FollowersContenido en Español
163 Followerssome cats seem repelled by a citrus scent and we don’t want that — but in an out-of-the-way place where the scent can gently drift through the room. Even the best trained cats will occasionally miss the litterbox, and cat urine odors are tough to get rid of unless taken care of as soon as possible. Look for natural ingredient products that contain enzymes, which help clean stains and neutralize odors.
157 FollowersScary Stories NYC
150 FollowersScary Dogman and cryptid stories
Canal Eletrônica e Tecnologia
113 FollowersCanal voltado a cultura Maker (DIY), focado em eletrônica e tecnologia. Desenvolvimento de circuitos, circuitos passo-a-passo, review de equipamentos, e tudo relacionado a amadores e adoradores de eletrônica assim como eu. Channel dedicated to Maker culture (DIY), focused on electronics and technology. Circuit development, step-by-step circuits, equipment review, and everything related to amateurs and electronics enthusiasts like me.
CCOAN - Thessalonica
105 FollowersWELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CCOAN - THESSALONICA RUMBLE ACCOUNT! If millions of this generation are to believe they must see proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. One of the proofs is the living church of the Christian Church Of All Nations - Thessalonica, that operates in Thessaloniki, Greece, under man of God Harry. As he was trained under the mentorship of Prophet T.B. Joshua in Lagos, Nigeria, today he is one of the people God has chosen to do His work, exposing the evil plans of the devil. (John 10:10). Through our uploads we aim to awake today’s generation that lives without faith and hope, ignoring the existence of the Creator, by showing tangible evidence that Jesus Christ never said goodbye! He still encourages His people to do His work today! Be part of this revolution and receive the awesome benefits of Christ’s great salvation, manifested through this powerful ministry! For more information visit our Official Website -
Land Rover Repairs
105 FollowersLand Rover Repairs
102 Followersmetafonicamente
97 Followerscomunicazioni con uomini di altri mondi, fisici e spirituali
Scott Alan Miller Living in Nicaragua
92 FollowersMy Vlog of Daily Life in Nicaragua as a Traveler, Businessman, Digital Nomad, Expat, Hotelier, Restaurateur, Barkeep, Dad, Gamer
90 Followerstherealmonicaadams
88 FollowersKennyCannon
82 FollowersTechnical Techon
81 FollowersLife, Love & Liberty
81 FollowersLife, Love & Liberty with Monica Matthews
Musica Electronica Dance Techno
80 FollowersSelected Music Videos of electronic music dance techno and more