Brain Coach Tips


If you know the frustration of having a child, teen, or adult who can't follow directions, can't remember what they've heard or suffered from learning issues, the Brain Coach Tips videos are for you to investigate. Dr. Jan Bedell, Ph.D., M.ND. has over twenty years of experience in helping people resolve learning and memory issues through the NeuroDevelopmental Approach For Life methodologies. She has created brain training programs that have made memory and learning difficulties a part of your loved one's history, not their future. Brain Sprints, formerly Little Giant Steps, ( provides many free resources to help you understand through testing, and surveys that you'll get a review of the conditions by an educational-neurodevelopmental specialist. Also recommendations on the next wise step to pursue. Come, check out our site, learn, grow, and make your whole family's lives better.

The De-escalation Coach


Why is De-escalation so important? No one wants to see an individual in our care escalate towards crisis. What’s needed is a plan and toolkit of de-escalation strategies to call upon when we recognise the individual is spiralling. These tools can help regulate the emotions driving the behaviours, reduce risk, and ensure they feel supported. An individual can show heightened levels of arousal and signs of anxiety. They may have their hands over ears, be hiding or withdrawing, rocking or tapping, or perhaps refusing to do what they have asked. Some individuals will have much more subtle signs that they are beginning to feel agitated. We can play detective to spot these signs and recognise patterns in their behaviour to better understand why they feel distressed and how we can best support them. Often these behaviours are “low level”, however, if we do not respond to them, they may develop into crisis.