Michael Savage
10,039 FollowersThe official Rumble page of radio legend, best-selling author and podcast host Michael Savage
The official Rumble page of radio legend, best-selling author and podcast host Michael Savage
COMING SOON - Home of Motivated Christians: Faith, Fitness, Finance and Fun
Saving anything with wheels from the crusher all over the US! Watch me bring these old machines back to life, on a budget!
The Best Custom Car Build Show... From Dunnville Ontario 🇨🇦! From American Muscle to Classics to Diesels, we show you how to build, swap, and repair anything with a throttle.
Just truth I find the MSM tries to distort.
Conservative Comedy Show for the "other" side. Laugh away the bad news as we skewer the liberals.
Dolls & My Animals & Jewelry
Home gym equipment reviews and workouts
Spreading the mission of Sanity, Clarity, and reason Short form content of George Bruno’s amazing work helping men getting UNSTUCK… Long form content HERE https://youtube.com/@ListenMySon?si=2q-SYIe0yeUTIQ43 I have several affiliate links on my channel that produce a small commission for me with no extra cost to you! Check them out here. Amazon Page https://www.amazon.com/shop/sultanofsilverclips 🌲Live Free With AmericanSquatch!🌲 https://www.americansquatch.com/shop 🚀Potassium Iodide☢️ amzn.to/3ScKLFK 🩳Boxer Shorts https://amzn.to/3QdXIO6 🦷Toothpaste Tablets✨ https://amzn.to/46Iz5hW https://amzn.to/3ts3xib https://amzn.to/46Muiw8 🛁Ballsy Ball Wash for Men https://amzn.to/3LSMKv2
Real Live Stream Market Analysis & Live Trading to provide Financial Literacy & Financial Freedom to the masses as this is the only way to be truly free. The first step in breaking free from the Matrix is to stop doing the same routine over and over and expecting different results. I believe that is the definition of insanity. It isn't easy but nothing worth doing ever is. Yes the narrative that the mainstream media and people that buy into what the mainstream media pushes is that 9 out of 10 traders fail but I believe those numbers are skewed. It is true that a lot of new traders fail but I believe the ones that fail either blow up their account before they actually give themselves a chance to learn and or quit before they give themselves a chance. I am here to show you the right steps and or rules you should implement to make sure that you give yourself a chance to succeed and not either quit or blow up before you actually learn to become profitable. Stay tuned to my Live Streams to not only learn about these steps but to also see how to implement them in way that manages your risk while giving you a chance to actually learn how to become profitable. Again not financial advice but I do believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be free like Neo and wake up from this Matrix which is going to clock in and bust your ass just to make someone else rich while also spending less time with your family and friends and the people that matter the most. There's also something to be said about being your own boss and the master of your destiny. This mindset is for those that are willing to bet on themselves and not be at the mercy or depend on someone or something else for their well-being. Not to mention the sweeping layoffs and uncertainty moving forward as we enter some of the most unique and volatile times we've ever seen in this economy and quite frankly on a larger scale the world. This is not meant to be FUD or some "Doom & Gloom" type rhetoric but at the same time we have to keep it real and when [shite] hits the fan, ultimately you have to depend on you and yourself only. And ABSOLUTELY no one is going to look out for you like you so therefore it's more advantageous for you to be able to provide for yourself and your family without having to depend on someone or some company to employ you and put food on your table aka being self-made and a boss. These are the things that are most important to me and should be to you as well. But again you have to be willing bet on yourself and quite frankly, if you aren't willing to bet on yourself, you can't possibly expect anyone else to. Just keeping it real so again see you on the next one. Don't forget to like, subscribe, hit the bell and get the hell over to Patreon & Discord and sign up for the Daily Morning Briefings & Watchlist, which gives you that edge, Bredgeron. Peace patreon.com/Finance_Solutions_YT
Youtube Vape Reviewer https://www.youtube.com/c/SavageSimon62
The free speech car channel! If you're a man, got high T, and high test (thats high octane gas for youngens!), this is the place for you. I dont hold back, and will say the things that we're all thinking! Muscle cars, American Iron, big blocks, and even odd ball cars are my game. Been wrenching for years, but Im more than just a knuckle dragging mechanic!
Just a simple guy trying to do cool things. I'm a self taught DIY kind of guy. Grew up working a farm every summer learning the value of fixing things over replacing them. Gained valuable skills. I'm not a mechanic by trade, but I work on my own vehicles (occasionally for family/friends). I'm not an appliance repairman, but learn how to fix my own appliances. I video myself doing this in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. Take a chance, learn something new and keep some of your hard earned cash in your own wallet! Remember to always be safe and "don't do dumb stuff"! My kids will probably have that engraved on my tombstone! Be sure to subscribe and share my channel with others who might watch too! Extra support: Venmo @troysgarageyoutube Amazon Affiliate Storefront - https://a.co/5slk5C7 ** MERCH Site ** https://troysgarage.myspreadshop.com/ Send me stuff: Troy's Garage YouTube Channel 4956 West 6200 South - Box 235 Salt Lake City, UT 84118
Cars and revivals for the working man
Cruiseman\\\\\\\'s channel for motorcycle tips, product reviews and motovlogs
a meeting of the minds and purveyors of common sense and reason.
Fun with vehicles without spending a lot of money!
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