221 FollowersWe will Make Fashion Related Content
Martin Zender Podcasts
64 FollowersMartin Zender Podcasts
United Orthodox Christians by PMZ
42 FollowersUnited Orthodox Christians is part of the PMZ community, created to share Orthodox Christian values in English. ----
DMZ America Podcast
36 FollowersIntelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of callbacks to American history and lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.
Tadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy
18 FollowersTadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy. Założyciel Konsorcjum Medialnego: SZPONY MAFII Polska. Obecnie Dziennikarz Śledczy, Redaktor Naczelny SZPONY MAFII Polska Niezależnego Dziennikarstwa Śledczego. Licencja PL. nr. 1130/20. Niezależne Dziennikarstwo Śledcze, wspierane przez podmioty zewnętrzne Konsorcjum Medialne SZPONY MAFII Polska/ USA 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 email: SZPONY MAFII Polish Independent Investigative Media. BERLIN SZPONY MAFII Deutscher Correspondent 10623 Berlin Bundesstraße Ujawniam Układy Mafii, Oszustwa, mechanizmy działań zorganizowanych grup przestępczych, co ojczyźnie lojalność przyrzekali, a Mafii się sprzedali. Wywiady, Reportaże, Transmisje na żywo, ujawnianie materiałów dowodowych, w tym i ten dotychczas objętych tajemnicą. Działam w interesie interesu społecznego, jego bezpieczeństwa, oraz pomocy poszkodowanym. Z wyrazami szacunku Tadeusz Kasprzak
6 FollowersDMZ America Show
5 FollowersWhat happens when a notorious left-wing political cartoonist becomes best friends with his buttoned-up right-wing conservative colleague? Intelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.
Warzone 2.0 (DMZ) :
3 FollowersRaider Play's Games
Let's Raid the DMZ
2 FollowersWe here at Double Tap Gaming bring the fight to the DMZ in every raid. Tune in for exciting PvPvE action in every match and we always double tap because 1 just isn't enough.
1 FollowerCZARNUSZKA..
1 Followercall of duty modern warfare 2 dmz missions season 4
1 FollowerTyszka
1 FollowerOOMZTv
1 Followermzk_official
1 FollowerOkruchy wspomnień - fotografie Adolfa Duszka
1 FollowerZapraszamy do odkrywania Polski z lat 50-70 XX wieku! Na naszym kanale prezentujemy unikatowe fotografie Adolfa Duszka, dokumentujące jego podróże po kraju. Zobaczysz Pieniny, Beskid Żywiecki i wiele innych miejsc, które zmieniły się na przestrzeni lat. Odkryj historię Polski i zainspiruj się do własnych podróży!
1 Followermzs_77
1 FollowerEmperiumztv
1 FollowerMW 2 Gameplay of DMZ and Ranked
0 FollowersMe and friends of mine playing DMZ and PLUNDER
0 FollowersCall of Duty DMZ
0 FollowersPure DMZ content for all my Call of Duty extraction shooter fans. Happy hunting operators, I'll see you at exfil...
My Music Channel
0 FollowersJust jammin vids I want to save
Fiona Pyszka
0 FollowersFiona Inc, is a company dedicated to helping you discover your purpose and walk in it. Corporate and personal coaching. Fiona Pyszka is the founder and training in this orgranization. Author, speaker and coach.