le droit moral


Un lexique juridique et social sont indispensables pour comprendre le droit de la réparation corporelle, ce n\'est pas un dictionnaire du droit. Un dictionnaire juridique étant trop compliqué pour les victimes, j\'ai décidé, sans donner une traduction juridique , de traduire ce vocabulaire juridique d\'une façon simple, pour une meilleure compréhension de la matière. Des définitions juridique simples et complexes, de la consolidation, du préjudice moral, du préjudice professionnel, sont notamment exposées.

Nicholas The Octopus Camarena


follow on X @TheOctopus559 visit https://therealnicholascamarena.webnode.page/ Nicholas "The Octopus" Camarena, was a writer, musician, artist and martial artist from Fresno California. His writing covered all types of genres and all types of forms. From poems, novelettes, flash fiction, and novellas. Most can be downloaded and read here for free http://therealnicholascamarena.webnode.com and a lot can also be found on this "Rumble" Channel with Nicholas actually reading the audio book for it for free. For those interested in purchasing a copy of one of his printed books for support - and to have more than just an online copy, they can do so here https://www.blurb.com/search/site_search Blurb is the "Official" store for all of Nicholas Camarena's Printed Works. His music, "which can be heard for free on this channel", was experimental and mostly instrumental. A Keyboard artist, he made tracks almost predominantly using a "Casio CTK-6250" with a lot of tracks simply using the actual "sounds" from the keyboard itself, which gave his music a retro-vibe. The later music was done off DAWS sounds, still using his Keyboard, but Nicholas still insisted in not using anyone's preloads or pre-loops to construct any of his music. Giving each one of his songs a unique sound of similarity of his own. He also constructed "70 songs" in about "3 months" for a project called "The Forever Music Project". The Idea was for 'one song' of the the 70, to be released one at a time every December 28th, until there are no more songs to post. This means even after death, he will release a never before heard song, once a year, for the next 70 years. On This channel you can also find his artwork - which also spanned across many genres. As well as some small clips of him and Martial Arts.