Bill Turner - Contract Law & Empowerment Workshop


Watch Bill Turner's 6-Part Empowerment Seminar filmed in Auckland, New Zealand. We recommend for the viewer to watch "Billy's Basics", to gain a basic understanding of where Bill is coming from: There is a treasure trove of supporting documentation & letter templates to write to government agencies or councils that Bill Turner hands out. They can be found on Mega in the link here:

Contracultura TV


Contracultura es un medio que pone al alcance de las personas información para entender el panorama global y nacional. En tiempos difíciles donde la libertad de expresión pretende ser eliminada, somos una trinchera que pretende defender los valores ancestrales de la cultura occidental. Si te gustó nuestro contenido, ayúdanos a seguir existiendo! 3 Simples Formas de Ayudar al Canal! 💰 Conviértete en Patrocinador de Nuestro Trabajo! 🇨🇱 Aportes en Pesos Chilenos a través de Flow ☕ Me Invitas un Café: Exclusivo! Recibe Nuevos Vídeos y Noticias en tu Correo! Suscríbete Haciendo Click Aquí: Visítanos en Para entrar en contacto escríbenos a:

Contra Radio Network


Contra Radio Network is a podcast and vidcast platform that offers internet radio for Preppers and Patriots. Preppers are people who prepare for various emergencies and disasters, while Patriots are people who love and defend their country. Contra Radio Network hosts a variety of shows that cover topics such as survival, self-defense, politics, history, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something interesting and useful on Contra Radio Network. Tune in and join the community of like-minded listeners and subscribers. The views and opinions expressed on Contra Radio Network are those of the authors and hosts of their respective shows, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Contra Radio Network. Any content provided by our hosts, bloggers or authors are of their own opinion and do not represent Contra Radio Network.

Base Ten Montessori Education


Welcome! My name is Teresa and I am a certified AMI primary guide through the Montessori Institute of San Diego. I have an undergraduate degree in early childhood education and a masters in education through Loyola University. I am also a trained Orton-Gillingham instructor through the Michigan Dyslexia Institute and Central Michigan University. My goal is to break free from the traditional public school view of education and support home school families and teachers who want to provide alternative educational experiences for their children and community. On this channel, I want to provide skills-based learning for parents, teachers and students so we can change how we approach the educational system. I believe in supporting and empowering parents so that they can educate their children at home as much as possible. This channel is dedicated to education without indoctrination.

Tudo sobre direita contra Lula


Canal bolsonarista para bolsomitos ou bolsominios da direita conservadora. Canal consiste ser anti Rede Globo ( #redeglobo ), para ir contra Lula, contra PT, contra MST, contra Corrupção, contra a esquerda, enfim, é um um canal totalmente conservador que visa apoiar Jair bolsonaro e Michelle bolsonaro. deixando claro, POR FAVOR, vc esquerdista, não se inscreva. obg. Deixe sempre seu like e comentário, mesmo que seja uma bandeirinha, Vídeo novo, melhor comercial pró bolsonaro: obga. 🤩😍🥰😇😛😘😋😜🤪😝 #shorts #short #viral #video Canal de direita #canaldedireita #canal Canal Canal patriota #canalpatriota papo de conservador conservador #papoconservador #conservador conservador de direita #conservadordedireita #direita direita #direitadobrasil #esquerda esquerda #lula Lula #lulapresidente Lula presidente #presidentelula presidente Lula presidente do Brasil #presidentedobrasil #Luizinacio Luiz Inácio Luiz Inácio lula Luiz Inácio lula da Silva #bolsonaro Bolsonaro #jairbolsonaro Jair bolsonaro #Jair Jair #expresidente ex presidente bolsonaro ex presidente jair bolsonaro #canalpatriota Canal patriota #patriotas patriotas #bolsonaristas bolsonaristas #bolsonarista bolsonarista #bolsominion bolsominion #bolsominions bolsominions #patriota #patriotas #noticiaúltimahora #noticiaspolitica #noticia #noticias #noticiaspolitica #política noticia noticia ultima hora noticia politica policita noticias politicas #noticiasnacional notícias nacionais #globolixo globolixo #governolula governo Lula #governo governo notícias do bolsonaro notícias do ex presidente ex presidente notícias do Lula notícias sobre o Lula notícias do PT notícias do bolsonaro #bolsonaro2026 #lula2026 #bolsonaropresidente #bolsonaroagora #bolsonarotv #bolsonarogenocidaplantão24noar #conservadordedireita conservador de direita #debatepolítico debate #esquerdanuncamais #esquerdamaldita #brasil Brasil #bolsomito