Translation and Interpretation for Global Expansion


Translation and Interpretation for Global Expansion Did you know that only around 28% of the world speaks English? And that according to CSA Research, 60% of world consumers will only buy when information is presented in their native language? This means that the world presents huge opportunities to expand your reach, increase your impact and generate new revenue streams. This course will present some fundamentals of how professional translating and interpreting can launch your quest. The course will present the wrong way and the right way to do translations (conveying anything written-- courses, presentations, contracts, social media, books, and more-- into other languages) for A+ guaranteed accuracy plus ways to do interpreting (spoken communication) to expand viewers' global reach with podcasts, conferences, meetings and phone calls. Early modules present the four essential qualifications for translators and interpreters, in a hybrid method that's been proven over 30+ years. In essence, if you want translations or interpretations done correctly with accuracy and precision, this means that you cannot use amateurs, part-time professors, country-origin neighbors, or returning expatriates. Additional modules -- filled with humor -- will address the essential issues of screening company names, product names, slogans, taglines, colors and more to ensure no critical branding mistakes when going abroad or into other language markets. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma "Inspect what you expect."

A.I. Interpretations

1 Follower

A.I. Interpretations is a channel focused on how A.I. interprets what's asked of it. Most of the Narration, Art, Voice and Music are created from A.I. or their Interpretations. Please note that all of the content on our channel is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as factual or professional advice. Our goal is to provide a fun and enjoyable escape from the everyday. Thank you for visiting our channel, and we hope you enjoy our content. Please make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date on all of our latest videos. A.I. Bots most commonly used are listed in the links. Text to Speech A.I. from IBM Watson.

Interpret The Quotes

1 Follower

This channel focus to interpret Quotes for motivation and inspiration, memorable statements that are designed to inspire, motivate, and uplift. They are often attributed to famous individuals, such as managers, footballers, philosophers, writers, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, etc who have achieved great things or have profound insights about life. The purpose of these channel is to provide a burst of inspiration or motivation that can help people overcome obstacles, push through challenges, and stay focused on their goals. They can be used in a variety of settings, including personal growth, career development, relationships, and health and wellness.

LabSmarts Blood Work Interpretation Software

1 Follower

We’ve taken a complex and critical part of your practice and made it easier, more accurate, and a lot less time-consuming. Optimize Client Outcomes—make evidence-based, targeted recommendations for your clients with Additional Testing, Further Considerations, and Diet and Lifestyle Advice by LabSmarts Provide Clients More Clarity—Empower your clients toward increased health by sharing easy-to-read, color-coded reports that connect their lab results with your nutrient and lifestyle suggestions Save Time—Use individualized lab work insights to quickly identify possible root causes of imbalances

Christian Living & Dream Interpretation

1 Follower

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I make videos about Christian living and dream interpretation. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the Holy Spirit works through our intuition and conscience to lead us in this life. I believe that dreams are a window into the spiritual realm and a means of revelation and guidance from God. I am not a theologian or a psychologist, just a person sharing my thoughts. This channel is meant to encourage people to draw closer to God and grow spiritually so that they may fulfill their God-given destiny.

Escuela online de Interpretación y Actuación cinematográfica


Acting School es la primera escuela de Interpretación y Actuación de método Layer de España, y la escuela privada de acting con más contenido de formación online y presencial a nivel nacional. Disponemos de un curso abierto formativo de unos 3 a 5 años con clases semanales en directo en formato online + prácticas de rodajes cinematográficos en todo el territorio español. Puedes encontrar más información en contactar en 635980315 y seguirnos en redes sociales para mantenerte conectado.