Arcangelo Metatron
18 FollowersArcangelo Metatron
Metatronia Divine Metaphysics
15 FollowersMetaphysical guidance, support, insight and Training for your Ascension Journey. Tammy is a Spiritual Teacher and Light Metaphysician who specialises in assisting those on their journey of Light.
8 FollowersArchangel Metatron via Takeli
6 FollowersOur intent is to offer Guidance and support to have as many people as possible being strongly focused on the Spiritual process of the major dimensional Shift headed our way. This keeps one out of fear and moving strongly and surely on their perfect path, in these powerfully Transformative times. If you like what Archangel Metatron says, please Share, Like, and Subscribe, so you'll know when the next one comes out - Thank You so much! Blessings and Love, Takeli .
3 FollowersMetatronTheSonofMAN
1 FollowerMetatron's Metaverse
1 FollowerEvery Universe Is A Cosmic We8 That We Create To Real-8 With Spirits Outside Of Our Space. This Universe Is Simply One Of Many Inside Metatron's Metaverse, Which Is Why The Masons Worship Him As "The Voice Of God" Who Creates The Words That Build Worlds. Woden Weaves World Wide Webs To Support The Water Of Spaces That Are Completely Separate From His Own. This Is Why Quetzalcoatl, As The Atlantean Spider-Man, Created The Internet Long Before Masons Stole Metatron's Math and Called Their Matrix The Metaverse.
1 FollowerArchangelMetatron
1 FollowerLook Within
0 FollowersAll things about knowledge for life
0 FollowersMetatron's Channel