David Vance & ilana Mercer: Hard Truth Verified


DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Marek Meram


O rzeczywistości, której nie ma w głównych mediach, ale którą przeczuwamy. Moją książkę „Rzeczywistość” można kupić na jej stronach internetowych: Tom I: https://ridero.eu/pl/books/rzeczywistosc_tom_i/ Tom II: https://ridero.eu/pl/books/rzeczywistosc_tom_ii/ Oczywiście zachęcam do darowizn… Jak wiadomo, pieniądze są potrzebne. Możesz wyrazić swoje poparcie dla tego, co mówię i piszę, wpłacając darowiznę na konto: 19 1020 1097 0000 7402 0208 1461 Numer IBAN: PL19102010970000740202081461 Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW Adres centrali: PKO Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna - Centrala, ul. Puławska 15, 02-515 Warszawa (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA) PayPal: marek.meram.tak@interia.pl (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA)



ILANA Mercer is paleolibertarian author, essayist and theorist. She has been doing verbal swordplay since 1999, to advance First Principles, as against American imperial wars and hegemony; and for a multipolar world with national and individual sovereignty for all. She is described as a system-builder. Distilled, the Mercer modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events with verve, vim, and muscular style. ILANA is Jewish. She grew up in Israel from which she fled, aged 19, never to return. Her focus, since October of 2023, has been genocide. A war against civilians is a war on civilization. Or, as one sage succinctly put it, "At a time of genocide; genocide is the only issue." https://www.ilanamercer.com/category/gaza/

Truth Server


https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UqgsUSpnODzS/ https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCip8LwNuK9gd9AUIRxBG09w https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUetBQ31TvtUVoI4jtO-TuA https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCi8Oc_ibi5CwH7qeHnCkETA https://anchor.fm/truth-server MAG https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-the-power-of-man-and-woman-88826266/?cmp=android_share&sc=android_social_share&pr=false https://anchor.fm/mag-bitter-truth https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCMf4NHn1L25nSILtoADce8g https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCH1whHU0kV2yMkJpzNVxiFw https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCh70P3BuLQ5pUeiOKnBmJdA https://www.bitchute.com/channel/magbittertruth/ https://m.soundcloud.com/user-369605582 Mag's Shop https://www.redbubble.com/people/MAGBITTERTRUTH/shop

Valorant Live || RankPush in Singapore Server || TheDraczShow


Hey Wassup Guys 😄 Welcome to TheDraczShow You can watch the live streams to have fun and lots of laughter. Today, we're going to try hard as usual. OG Rank: Gold 1(VALORANT) Daily Stream Timings: 10 pm to thoda late and 3 pm Thankyou for supporting me and I hope you'll help me reach some milestones. I'll Meet You in the next Stream. Till Then Good Bye !!!! #valorant #valorantlive #valorantclips #valorantindia #valorantmontage #valorantforyou #dailylive #gold1