John 3:16-17 TRUTH THRU DOCUMENTATION Website: www.kmscreative.org/ Website: www.uncensoredmedia.tv Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kmscreative777 Disclaimer: KMSCREATIVE.ORG & UNCENSORED MEDIA are for entertainment and educational purposes only and ALL information and opinions expressed using multiple forms of video voice content, digital, audio, art & mobile, media are protected under U.S. Code 18 U.S.C. § 241. https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-18-crimes-and-criminal-procedure/18-usc-sect-241/ Fair Use Notice: The videos shared on UNCENSORED MEDIA contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. This not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding, I will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants me to link to their web site, or wants me to add their photo. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to FOLLOW & SHARE UNCENSORED MEDIA with your frens and loved ones! If you find value in my work, please consider downloading my book "the [LLL] project". https://www.kmscreative.org/lll https://www.kmscreative.org/about Thank you & GOD Bless You. 🕊️❤️🇺🇸

Popcorn In Bed


Hey friends! Welcome to my channel where I watch and react to tons of movies and shows that I've never seen (and occasionally some I have). I'm a lifelong romance/drama/rom-com lover and my husband says I've been hiding under a rock my whole life with how many "amazing" movies I haven't seen (according to him). Join me in my journey as I try to catch up on the last 20 years of movies! ✉📮 Send mail here: ✉📮 PO Box 547 ✉📮 Provo, UT 84603 Please send business inquiries to: popcorninbed@algebramedia.com ➡Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/popcorninbed ➡Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/ ➡All my things: https://linktr.ee/popcorninbed ➡MERCH is finally here!! - https://www.popcorninbed.com

Seyoum Teshome


Seyoum Teshome is an Ethiopian geopolitical analyst and activist renowned for his prolific commentary on current, past, and future social, political, scientific, religious, economic, legal, historical, and cultural events and phenomena that affect Africa in general and East Africa in particular; especially, our beloved homeland, Ethiopia, and her twin, sovereign and independent sister-nation, Eritrea.. This channel is dedicated to provide an alternative platform for his valuable content where his Pro-Ethiopian, Pro-unity, Pan-African analysis and perspectives will find refuge from the unjustified and unrelenting harassment and censorship he now faces at the hands of globalist, cosmopolitan ruling class in the West who run Big-Tech platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Seyoum Teshome Fans Rumble channel encourages civil, respectful, positive discourses and discussions as it serves as a venue for peoples of Ethiopian and Eritrean origins to share their opinions, frustrations, concerns, expectations, life-experiences, aspirations, hopes, and dreams. This channel does not offer any professional advise, nor does it make claims of expertise in any general or particular area. Disclaimer: Seyoum Teshome Fans channel often refers to and uses materials and clips from various media, including, audio and videos of interviews, news, events, documents, discussions, printed materials, etc. of various contents from other sources, which may be copyrighted; such uses are for the sake of reference only, and in such materials, the credit goes to the copyright owner. This Rumble channel does not intend on infringing any entity’s intellectual property. Any discussions points, thoughts, views, assertions, perspectives, and opinions expressed by viewers and readers, be it in writing, graphically, vocally, or in any other way, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this fan channel and/or its administrators; therefore Seyoum Teshome fans channel and/or its administrators are not responsible for contents that other individuals and entities may express, publish, post, voice, upload, distribute or transmit on Seyoum Tehome Fan’s Rumble channel and/or its website and comment section

Emergency Meeting


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