Linux News & Learning


Linux Tips Tricks and News. Scouring the Internet to bring you the BEST Linux news and Learning Tools in one place. We introduce you to people leading the way. Make Linux your DAILY driver. We collect items that we think will educate and assist people interested in programming and Linux. These skills can help people to be productive and do something that they enjoy and also help others by creating the future systems used by everyone. Make the World a Better place while giving everyone access to the vast amount of information available through Information Technology. As we used to say, "Be The Spiders On The Web"

Linux Renaissance


Hi, I’m Darth! Welcome to my channel, where Free Software and Linux are front and center. This is your space to dive into my Linux renaissance journey, packed with insights, experiences, and the pure magic of open-source technology. I also run live stream classrooms where I break down Linux topics step by step. Right now, we’re tackling LPIC-1, but we’ll be leveling up to more advanced content later this year. Missed a stream? No worries—YouTube channel members can catch the VODs anytime! Membership is super affordable, starting at just 1€ (Sorry, I will do live streams on Rumble once I will have enough followers here). If you love what I do, consider supporting the channel through Ko-fi here: Your support doesn’t just keep the lights on—it’s what drives me to create even more content for you. Let’s connect in the comments. /euHZtkzyQ6lQuM9GzXj1kgCSdKBT8AZu5brolrsPVo=

Cê é Linux


Conteúdos sobre tecnologia da informação, com enfase em Sistemas Operacionais (principalmente Distriuições Linux), Softwares Open Source e Programação de Computadores, vistos das formas mais práticas e diretas possíveis, levando assim conhecimento gratuito e de qualidade para qualquer um que busque os aprendizados ofertados. Tutoriais referentes a instalação e uso de ferramentas em distribuições linux, Reviews de Sistemas Operacionais, opções para migração de ambiente computacional de trabalho(alternativas a softwares nativos de outras plataformas) e conteúdos sobre programação básica de computadores, serão conteúdos corriqueiros nesse canal. No mais, seja bem vindo(a) a este canal, que possa lhe ser útil! VAMOS SIMPLIFICAR SISTEMAS !?