Pangea - Per un Mondo senza Guerre


PANGEA è un programma TV di politica internazionale a cura del Comitato No Guerra No Nato (CNGNN, Italia), APS Per Un Mondo Senza Guerre (Italia) e Global Research (Canada). Contribuisce a colmare il vuoto di informazione e contrastare la disinformazione dei grandi media sulle questioni nodali da cui dipende il nostro futuro e la nostra stessa vita. Trasmette in anteprima su Byoblu (canale 262 del digitale terrestre, canale 462 Tivùsat e canale 816 Sky) ogni venerdì alle 20:30, con 10 repliche nei giorni successivi. Ciascuna nuova puntata sarà disponibile anche online su , sul nostro sito e sul nostro canale Telegram CONTATTI Visitate il nostro sito Per qualsiasi informazione, domanda o proposta, scriveteci a , cercheremo di rispondervi al più presto. SOSTEGNO Se desiderate sostenere il nostro lavoro, vi preghiamo di fare una donazione su .

UNcanceled With Drake Wuertz


UNcanceled With Drake Wuertz is a clean family friendly show that will focus on facts and will challenge ALL Americans to stop believing the left wing Media rhetoric and stop reacting with emotions, and make their decisions based on the TRUTH. Our motto is "Challenging the woke cancel culture one episode at a time". Drake is man of God, a proud Patriot, an abolitionist, and a strong Conservative. HIs background comes from being an independent professional wrestler that was hired on by the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) as a referee for their NXT brand for several years. During the Pandemic in 2020, Blake was criticized for his stance on lockdowns and masking, especially masking our children. He has routinely attended Seminole County School Board meetings in Florida where he resides to try to get the board to stop masking, stop separating and stop terrorizing our children in their schools. Drake was eventually released from the WWE due to his beliefs, politically and Spiritually. Drake also does a lot of work in stopping child trafficking in Florida. That is one of his main causes and works tirelessly to try to stop it. Drake also recently announced that he is running for State Representative of District 30 in Florida. He wants to ban all abortions, protect our 1st and 2nd amendment rights, protect state sovereignty, expand school choice, ban forced vaccinations, ensure businesses and churches never get shut down, fight human trafficking in Florida, and restore election integrity.