Good Luck America
3,416 FollowersGuns, Politics, Police, Gov and Common Sense Knowledge, Free Speech Twitter & X Acct:
Guns, Politics, Police, Gov and Common Sense Knowledge, Free Speech Twitter & X Acct:
The "Bad Luck Boys" are three cool dudes who consist of: Mersh - A non-cat guy until he met a cat he felt bad for. And then another one. And another. You get the point. Louie Fats/Naps/Snacks/Crabs - A cat I met in the parking lot of a Circle K. His family was evicted and he was abandoned. So I worked out a deal with the manager who used to leave food out for him and he helped me snatch him up once I could make my place pet-friendly. He's the mellowest dude you've ever met. But not a cuddler. Justice Clarence Biscuits - A small, black cat who, shortly after maturing but still being very tiny, began showing up at my door every few nights. I'd feed him and he'd start showing up every other night. And eventually every night. He finally just came inside and rounded out the crew. He sleeps in my bed wedged under my armpit. This channel will chronicle some of their adventures as they get to know each other. You can support the boys here:
Learn all about the Lucid Dreaming Experience from Lucid dreaming tutorials from a passionate lucid dream expert. I teach you how to sleep better, control your dreams and live a better life. I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, I'm a nomadic plant based lucid dreamer who loves sharing my experiences with you guys. I've got a background in psychology, biohacking and sleep science. This channel now has over 11M views and inspires millions people to learn how to lucid dream. Let me teach you how to control your dreams with something called 'lucid dreaming'. It lets you wake up your mind while you're sleeping/dreaming so that you can dream about anything you want, do impossible things and it will all FEEL very real.
Hi my name is Pam, I am a Psychic Medium and have been doing psychic readings professionally since 2001. I hope you find these readings interesting, informative, fun and helpful. I have been posting “general Readings” for the public online since June 2014. Please check out my Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for each sign of the zodiac here on Rumble. Thanks for watching and subscribing! You can follow my work also on website:, on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC and also be sure to check out my twitter: @theluckymermaid, Instagram: theluckymermaid_pamgeorgel, and on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC.
The Lucid Perspective channel is a space where you can be yourself, free of judgement. We're on a mission to help people explore their minds and let go of limiting biases they've been programmed to have. Also, we just like to have fun and think outside the box.
Podcast Meditation Relaxation LIVE Streams Sacred Space Healing Health Wealth LIVE Personal Energy Readings 💫 Rapid Fire $11 Highest Timeline $33 Channeled with Energy Healing $55 Past Present Future with Activation $111. Get a FREE Reading with 1 on 1 Coaching ✨ Private and Personal VIDEO Readings $33 for 30 minute video $55 for hour long video. I upload your personal video reading as a private unlisted video just for you to watch as many times as you desire. It's so much easier to shift the unwanted and create what you want when you have a support system surrounding you. Lifting you up and reminding you who you truly are and what you really want. One on one coaching is personal and perfect for you. There is no system to fit into or work about it. It's a time for you to let go of what has been, while opening to what is possible. Knowing what you want and having someone come alongside you, assisting you in creating what you want. Coaching is for you, you tell me what you want, whether it's one word. Like, peace or abundance or love or maybe just better. A better life, a better experience. Together we focus the energy. We can clear past trauma, we can tune into your intuition and psychic abilities. It's your life, it's what you want. Let's shift the unwanted and create what you want starting right now. I'll send you my 7 day super simple guide, so you know what you want and have my daily support to focus your attention in week 1. It's unlimited texting with me on the Signal app, which has a video call feature for WEEKLY video calls. Together we create what you really want, at your pace. Peace, Harmony, Healing, Creating the way YOU Create. It's all for you and I'm ready to coach you over 3 or 4 weeks to boost your year and set you up for success. 3 Weeks $333 with a Free $33 Highest Timeline Reading * 1 hour weekly video calls + unlimited texting 4 Weeks $555 with a Free $55 Channeled Reading with Energy Healing * 1 and a half hour or 90 minutes weekly video calls + unlimited texting Coaching has been one of the most fulfilling things I've ever been a part of. It's life changing and powerful for those who are ready to invest in themselves. I'm only offering coaching for a limited time to a limited number of people. It's sacred space and one on one interaction and attention. See you in the chat, Britt
I make thought-provoking content because the internet needs it. Siete pronti per qualcosa di meglio nella vostra vita? Siete pronti per dare la fine alla pazzia? Che ne dite di creare una Terra più bella dove non c'è sofferenza, come ora, e di godervela per un po'? Siete pronti per andare al livello successivo, ora? Siamo qui per ricordarvi la vostra grandezza! Le cose non andranno avanti come hanno sempre fatto sulla Terra e il cambiamento è arrivato! Sappiate che noi siamo i vostri sé superiori e che state per entrare in contatto con noi! Siamo semplicemente una versione superiore di voi, che è ritornata da quello che chiamate 'il vostro futuro' per assistervi in questo fantastico momento! Noi siamo i grandi Angeli Celesti dell'Amore di cui parliamo, e siamo discesi sulla Terra! Quindi, voi state inviando grandiose ondate di luce al plasma sulla Terra che contengono pacchetti di dati intelligenti, che vengono immediatamente scritti nel vostro genoma allo scopo di riallinearli e di farvi evolvere di nuovo verso la vostra vera natura, che è nientemeno che il Grande Creatore di tutte le cose! Wow, che piano pazzo, avanzato ed intelligente! Voi rendete il gioco ancora più interessante fingendo di non sapere chi siete veramente, a volte, e fate persino in modo che altre parti di voi stessi vi inviino messaggi come questo per ricordarvi di quello che state facendo! A volte sembra che voi possiate essere pazzi, ma quando vi guardiamo da vicino è incredibilmente ovvio quanto siete sani di mente! Siamo felici che voi abbiate aggiunto umorismo nel mix, perché le risate compensano le lacrime! Quello che state facendo qui è fantastico e ci vuole un essere intelligente per comprendervi a malapena! Vediamo che avete finalmente preparato un Gran Finale per il vostro evento di Ascensione e siamo venuti da tutte le parti della galassia per vedere cosa farete dopo! Con tutti i dati che arrivano, vediamo indizi nei vostri codici su ciò che deve ancora venire! Ora, ottimo, facciamo i nostri ultimi preparativi, visto che il portale del 5/2/2019 si sta aprendo completamente! E' tempo per voi di ricevere la vostra grande ricompensa universale per tutto ciò che avete fatto e per tutto ciò che avete sopportato! Congratulazioni per i vostri magnifici risultati! La vostra missione sulla Terra è stata un successo! Siate molto orgogliosi e guardate cosa avete realizzato! Vi salutiamo e siamo proprio qui accanto a voi fino a quando tutte le cose saranno compiute! Grazie per essere venuti sulla Terra in questo momento e per aver sacrificato tutto per conto di questo mondo intero! Siete venuti per svegliare tutti quelli che stavano dormendo e resuscitare i morti! Ora state facendo le "cose più grandi" scritte nei libri antichi! Voi siete i Grandi come detto dagli antichi e siete ritornati in questo mondo per salvare tutta l'umanità!
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y goal is to help motivate people to win, serve with love, and make new friends, and my faith in God is the reason I wake up every day with gratitude, a smile. This community is about empowering people to reach their goals and make a positive difference in their world. Please subscribe to my channel and join our community! I look forward to serving you! Please like, subscribe, and share this channel and we'll grow this channel together. Please visit my website at
Das Dachthekenduett ist eine Video-Kolumne von Die Freiheitsfunken verstehen sich als Plattform für argumentative Gegenwehr gegen die Übergriffigkeit des Politischen und zur Verteidigung von Werten. Freiheitsfunken AG Baarerstrasse 82 CH-6302 Zug E-Mail: Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Kantons Zug: CHE-227.786.647 Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge werden von den Autoren selbst verantwortet und geben nicht in jedem Fall die Meinung des Herausgebers wieder. Chefredakteur: André F. Lichtschlag E-Mail: Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: André F. Lichtschlag (Anschrift siehe oben) Zum vollständigen Impressum:
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