The Book of Jude: The Acts of the Apostates - A Modern Day Clarion Call by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


The book of Jude is a wake-up call to those on the brink of apostasy or exposed abundantly to it. Don\\\'t let the opportunities of God be treated with complacency. The saints of God are kept ones in Christ; He is able to keep us and present us faultless. Even if you are on the brink, keep yourself in the love of God. Don\\\'t let another day pass without thanking God for His grace, His mercy, and His love.

Apostate Alex


Former UK Scientology staff member, sharing stories and experiences. Previously the Church of Scientology's Director of Public Book Sales in London, Apostate Alex was expelled from the religious group and declared a 'Source of Trouble'. --- 💸 Support the channel: 👕 Merch: 📧 Get in touch: ℹ️ Help getting out of Scientology: Want to start streaming? Use StreamYard:

Nostalgia Animada


**Bem-vindos ao Nostalgia Animada!** Prepare-se para uma viagem no tempo, onde as e as histórias encantadoras ganham vida novamente! Aqui no nosso canal, resgatamos os desenhos animados que marcaram gerações, trazendo de volta as risadas, as aventuras e as lições que nos acompanharam na infância. 🌟 **O que você encontrará aqui?** 🌟 - **Clássicos Inesquecíveis:** Acompanhe episódios e trechos dos seus desenhos favoritos, desde os icônicos da Hanna-Barbera até as obras-primas da Disney e muito conhecimentos sobre os personagens e enredos que marcaram sua infância. Se você é apaixonado por animações e deseja reviver os melhores momentos da sua infância, inscreva-se no nosso canal e ative as notificações para não perder nenhuma novidade. Traga seu coração nostálgico e vamos celebrar juntos o maravilhoso mundo dos desenhos animados antigos! **Nostalgia Animada: Onde a magia da animação nunca envelhece!** ---

Soothing relaxation


We are getting serious about anxiety relief. If folks talk about relaxation, it often seems like something which we are not always able to fit into our busy schedules. In fact, comfort can be among the healthiest things to incorporate into your everyday life. Daily stress can take a toll on both the physical and mental wellness. Studies show that various forms of relaxation helps decrease many chronic health concerns as well as restore energy and encourage a more positive sense of self.