Love Across Borders ❤️ 💙


Welcome to our channel: Dive into the depths of human emotion with us as we share true, heartfelt stories from people who have faced heartache and loss. Our channel is a safe space where personal experiences become powerful lessons, offering insight, education, and guidance. Through storytelling, coaching, and compassionate discussion, we aim to help our viewers navigate their own emotional challenges, find closure, and emerge stronger. Join us as we explore the emotional journeys that connect us all.

Only a Knowledgeable and Open Mind Can Set You Free


Most of the videos on my channel are from other's very hard work, but I sometimes do my own videos. I watch every single video I upload. If it's a long one, I make notes, so just ask me for them. I always provide the link to the original creator if I have it. My goal is to bring you the truth about who controls our world, Agenda 21, the scamdemic, and how you CAN make a difference. I am a truther activist who's goal is to wake other people up to what is going and TAKE ACTION, otherwise that's it for humanity! I have been studying the truth since 2015 and unlearning the lies that the evils have spread through the school system, religion, news, the government, and even the workplace. In 2018/2019, I started to put the pieces together, to come up with a more complete picture, but that picture is always evolving as I learn more. The bottom line is that we NEED to take action NOW, otherwise humanity WILL die and I'm NOT exaggerating. Will you come join us?

Tim Kellner, Love Priest, Love Channel, Timm Kellner


Ich heiße Timm Kellner, bin 49 Jahre alt, Deutscher, und habe meinem Land als Soldat und Polizist gedient. Ich habe eine gefestigte Meinung und sage, was ich denke, auch wenn das mittlerweile in Deutschland nicht mehr erwünscht ist. Ich bin Präsident des Motorradclubs Brothers Guard MC Germany und habe des weiteren die Liste „Für die Eigenen!“ gegründet, welche eine außerparlamentarische Bürgerbewegung ist, die dazu dienen soll, möglichst viele vernünftig denkende Menschen zu vernetzen, um ein politisches und soziales Gegengewicht zu dem herrschenden Parteienkartell zu bilden. Für die Eigenen! Tim K. Webseite der Liste „Für die Eigenen!“: Impressum Timm Kellner Ulmenstr. 2 32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg kontakt@fü Tel.: 0151-65980917 USt-ID: DE239103205 Ihr möchtet meine Arbeit unterstützen: Kontoinhaber: Timm Kellner IBAN: DE 64 2546 2160 0773 0853 01 BIC: GENODEF1HMP