

Hello, I go by Whiticus. I like to grow and produce stuff all year long and I thought I would share this hobby with you. I figured why not create a chill hangout spot out of it. All of my links in one place - https://linktr.ee/whiticus Soon, I'm gonna pickup my show "Lets Go Deep" on this channel. Where we dove into all kinds of conspiracies and things I found intriguing. Donations are not expected, but if you can afford it, and choose to help me (Goes towards nutrients, new grow equipment, and bills), I truly appreciate it, and it means the world to me. Thank you VERY much (Being physically disabled, I'm unable to work a normal job, so I do what I can, and it means and helps more than you could imagine. (I have VHL, and it causes re-occurring tumors and have had 6 brain, and 7 spine surgeries and my body is riddled. Had to relearn to walk due to these tumors and my body is truly struggling. they put me on a chemo pill, but its destroying me. I barely have energy to take care of the grow now, or anything. I've been struggling HARD.) I just refuse to let it defeat me.