We Profit with Stock Curry Verified


Scott Eric Curry, known professionally as Stock Curry, is a former Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch investment banker with over 25 years of trading experience. He shares his vast knowledge about stocks, options, and crypto with people in a simple and easy to understand way. Stock Curry provides accurate information about how upcoming news and economic data could affect the stock market and cryptocurrencies. He also provides fundamental and technical analysis to help you make smart trading decisions based upon accurate information instead of emotions. If you want to learn how to make money from a genuine trader you can trust, then Stock Curry is one person you need to follow.

Galactic Historian


Andrew Bartzis is a Reiki master and Shaman with the unique ability of being able to access multiple Akashic Records at will. Known as the Galactic Historian, he is able to read and share individual, cultural, global, and galactic histories with those who come to him. As an active healer and psychic reader for nearly 20 years, his goal is to help the world around him by sharing information from a sacred neutral state. By sharing the power of contract revocations, he helps individuals reclaim their sovereign free will. You can learn more about soul contracts and Andrew's work at https://www.andrewbartzis.com/



None of this is financial advice, just live commentary on current market conditions in both stocks and crypto currency. I will be using webull for charting, However my straight stock purchases will be done on a lit exchange and a majority of my other plays will be through one of my other brokers because I feel as if I get better fills. I am starting this channel because no creator is currently doing an all day stream anymore so I am looking to fill that void. I will be using the 13/48/200 EMA indicator strategy a majority of the time, props to Short the Vix, TMI and Review dork for exposing that cheat code. I do respect your freedom of speech which is why I plan to stream to rumble exclusively however, do not disrespect each other or any other creator. Remember, It is okay to agree to disagree. Below I dropped some Crypto links for you, web3 should be a game changer. https://nexo.io/ref/z2ryta3bbj?src=android-link (where I compound crypto interest) https://crypto.com/app/y5tr5v9m9w (favorite overall exchange) https://uphold.com/signup?referral=84cc956664 (where I buy my XRP) http://coinbase.com/join/gedric_9?src=android-link (free $10 in bitcoin)

Historias y Misterios


✔ Historias y Misterios es un canal de vídeos, dedicado para todo el que les gusta las historias extrañas y casos insólitos que suceden en todo el mundo . ✔ Historias de terror, para los que le gustan los temas escalofriantes que te dejarán con los pelos rizos. ✔ Contamos Historias y recreamos las leyendas y anécdotas que nos envían, por que ustedes son los protagonistas. ✔ Encontrarás los mas extraños casos referente a los Ovnis Extraterrestres, Sirenas, Duendes, Entretenimiento tecnología, Ciencias, Misterios, conspiraciones, Historias de Terror, y otros casos. ✔ Desde Rep Dom Para el mundo.

Stock Market Live


Your trusted source for live trading everyday from market open to market close! This is the live streaming arm of The Trading fraternity, for other finance/investing content that isn't live, check out our main channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheTradingFraternity Join our community and participate in the FREE live chats and come with information. We are discussing and sharing the latest stock market news, covering markets today, stock market picks and even the trading basics for beginners. Whether it is trading options, stocks, long term investors or even trading penny stocks, everybody has a place! Best part, all of this is live trading, nothing is held back. You should do the same :)

Bulldog Trading Network Breaking Stock and Crypto News


Here at Bulldog Trading we work together to uncover deep due diligence and market movers throughout the trading day in the stock market. We provide up to the minute news and alerts using proprietary stock scanner alerts, as well as pool resources from around the web to get that "Traders Edge". We are live 24 hours a day with commentary and vocal alerts most of the time. We cover Dogecoin, SHIB, and the crypto market with multiple expert analysts the after hours and weekends. The Founder of this channel(Bulldog) has an extensive background trading stocks for 15+ years and crypto for 7+ years.

Selling Boston & the Burbs by Jeffrey Chubb


The Real Estate News Network is a channel that is dedicated to real estate. We talk about everything that real estate touches to is involved with as well as local and federal news that effects our markets. We even meet with the local businesses that turn regular old real estate into our community. Learn about the current market. Learn about local and federal changes that could effect your local market. Learn about the real estate process in how to buy or sell a house. Learn about the things to know when it comes to financing a home to doing a home inspection. Are you a real estate agent and you are looking to grow your business? Then we have specific discussions that are 100% tailored to and focused on you. We are your resource for everything real estate.